Black's Cliff Blog

Keeping It Normal

Posted: Mar 16, 2020

Excerpt: We are keeping things as normal as we can in our little bubble of the Northwoods. The boys are home from Saint Norbert for a few weeks at least. Until their online classes start up we are putting them to work at the wood shed. It is nice to keep a work routine going during these crazy times. The... Read more

Sanity Amongst The Chaos

Posted: Mar 15, 2020

Excerpt: For all the craziness in the world the resort seems like a haven. We had several cabins of folks escaping the world for the weekend and enjoying some quiet moments at the cabin. Also picking up toilet paper at Save More which still amazingly has some. Happily we still have 5 cases of it in the basement from our... Read more

Lots Going On As The Snow Melts

Posted: Mar 02, 2020

Excerpt: Spring has sprung and everyone seemed to feel it and time to get out and enjoy some sunshine Mack has been hanging out on the lake with the Cikowski crew. You know the lake is safe when Mack with no encouragement beyond Fritz and his pocket of sausages heads out to the middle of the lake Off he goes... Read more

Ice Fishing With The Martin's

Posted: Mar 09, 2020

Excerpt: What time is it? It is time to go ice fishing with grandpa! Nothing beats a day on the ice with grandma and grandpa Especially when they know where the fish are biting Crappie are the best! A very busy and fun day on Lower Kaubashine. Thanks to the Martin family for sharing their pictures! And now it is... Read more

Frozen Fishing

Posted: Feb 26, 2020

Excerpt: Late February and early March mean one thing. Time to go ice fishing! The snow on the lake has melted down a little and it is easier to get around right now and the slushy layer has frozen up. Time to get the tip ups out. Fritz who I usually photograph sitting on a bucket has upgraded this year... Read more


Posted: Feb 14, 2020

Excerpt: Baby it is cold outside! We hit -30 last night. It is supposed to warm up for the weekend but it sure was cold turning on cabins this morning How do you know it is cold outside? Penny has a jacket and booties on She is officially styling. Mack on the other hand has plenty of fur but Penny... Read more

Nose Lake

Posted: Feb 18, 2020

Excerpt: Getting to the end of winter the snow is still high. The path to the beach still under the white stuff The lake is still frozen solid cause it has Mack's approval. Some good ice fishing days are ahead We took time away from the resort to head over to a new trail we had never skied before. Nose... Read more

Photos in the Winter

Posted: Feb 23, 2020

Excerpt: Winter is still in the Northwoods Lots of beautiful frozen fog in the trees Hillside with frost in the trees We had a family up enjoying their first time in the snow and ice. Their first trip out on a frozen lake Hogwarts came to the resort this weekend. Kaubashine became platform 9 3/4 Bella's 10th birthday complete with... Read more

Mid Winter

Posted: Jan 26, 2020

Excerpt: Its been a beautiful week it the northwoods. A little new snow everyday has kept the woods looking fresh and the trees full of snow We started shoveling off the fronts of a few of the cabins ing Grant got in to it before leaving for college. If you give him a choice between cleaning cabins or shoveling roofs... Read more

Keeping Busy In The Winter

Posted: Feb 06, 2020

Excerpt: Troy and I got out on a trail this week. The weather was great and snow conditions were fast for skiing We headed to Woodruff to the Madeline Lake Trail 15 minutes from the resort Down the trail we went. I did not take pictures of Troy going downhills happy to report except for one big hill all was... Read more

Northwoods Life

Posted: Jan 06, 2020

Excerpt: Mack and Penny were ready for a morning trip to the lake. Wonderful temps and fresh snow to the lake we go Come on lets go! No beach towel and flip flops needed today The joys of winter.... the closest Mack gets to going on the raft Time for a run! Beautiful this morning! The smart dog is the... Read more

Fun On Ice

Posted: Dec 23, 2019

Excerpt: The first Christmas present of the year happened. Jake was all smiles with his sled and box heading to the ice Headed off with his sled to find the perfect spot. While he was finding his spot, Troy and Grant tried flooding the rink again. We had a lot of air bubbles from the pump that w tried to... Read more

Merry Merry Christmas

Posted: Dec 28, 2019

Excerpt: We had our traditional hockey game at Christmas Eve. Much fun was had by all and nobody ended up in the emergency room It was the Ho Ho Ho's led by Steve Vs the Jingle Bells led by Katie Watch out and land softly Christmas Day was much quieter. Jake spent the afternoon in his new ice shanty keeping... Read more

Winter Settling In

Posted: Dec 08, 2019

Excerpt: The snow is not going anywhere and it is starting to look a bit like Christmas around the resort. Troy has about 12 trees lit up through the resort and it is getting more and more feeling like Christmas We did play Scrooge with a squirrel . The squirrel is trying to get in to the feeder and our... Read more

Yep It Snowed

Posted: Dec 02, 2019

Excerpt: As we clean up from 2 big snow storms over the holidays it is pretty to look at as long as you are not shoveling it This morning with the early morning sun peaking through the pines I was going to go to the lake and take some pictures but the beach steps were not shoveled and the is... Read more

Thanksgiving in the Snow

Posted: Nov 29, 2019

Excerpt: We woke up to this view our our windows Wednesday. We spend Wednesday shoveling out 12 inches of heavy wet snow before Thanksgiving Some of us had more fun than others trying out the new plow Others got a good work out after spending too many hours studying at Saint Norbert Peggy at Charles Fine Cheese said to say... Read more

Those That Work And Those That Don't

Posted: Nov 21, 2019

Excerpt: Some have been working hard this week filling the wood shed before the snow gets thick Some have not been working as hard Ben, Grant and Jake have all expressed interest to split some wood over the next week. Troy and Steve have given them plenty to work with Poor college students needing cash indentured to the woodshed is... Read more

Weekend Stuff

Posted: Nov 11, 2019

Excerpt: It was a quiet and colder weekend but perfect to spend up North The Blaser Family was thrilled to enjoy the first snows and a hike in the woods with their kids Mack contemplating the arrival of an early winter Even with the cold it was time to get a few things done. Jake was up for the weekend... Read more

Loons At The Lake

Posted: Nov 04, 2019

Excerpt: Light snow and cold arrived this week making it perfect. Perfect for what you ask? Just wait and see The ladies started arriving one by one setting up in Muskie for our first official Crank In at the resort. The 1st Annual Loons At The Lake Crank In started with 15 - 20 machines and crankers set up in... Read more

What Happens When Resort Quiets Down....

Posted: Nov 07, 2019

Excerpt: It may seem quiet at the resort but it has been a busy week We had part of our crew from the 4th of July stop up to the resort for a few days of fun. Ottos was a great evening with everyone to start out the fun We choose this weekend because it is craft fair weekend in... Read more

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