Loons Return
Posted: Apr 25, 2020
Earlier this week the loons returned. It was nice to see them. They were fishing in front of the resort checking things out
Seeing the loons means things are picking up around here and thoughts of being busier than 1 - 3 cabins each weekend like we have been surfacing.
We will be open and are planning on precautions we will be taking. We are hearing rumblings that the governor's stay at home will be moved to May 10th or earlier. We know there are many eager to head to the woods and many that will not. We will be ready either way as long as it is safe for our guests and our family operating the resort.
As I have written before I have gotten my hands on a supply of hydrogen peroxide for inside the cabins and a hospital grade disinfectant for areas outside of where food is. We are getting that supply at the end of next week. We will be using that to clean our cabins. We have not quite figured out what we will leave under the sink for guests to use. It might be a bleach water solution or if we have enough of the hydrogen peroxide we will leave some in the cabins in a spray bottle. Stay tuned to that
Hand sanitizer, Northern Distillery in Minocqua is supplying us with hand sanitizer. We will have some in the cabins. It is in a spray bottle it is watery without the aloe vera like in normal hand sanitizer. We plan on putting it in a few areas around the resort as well like at the beach and playground. I am not sure yet about our rec room. The rec room may be closed for the summer or at least the first part of summer.... I will let guests shop in my shop but it will be just one group at a time and I will open my windows and answer any questions from the community room and do payments there or outside if it is nice out.
Blankets and Pillows... This has been a concern of mine due to the fact that I can not wash them all between groups. We will be putting sheets on the beds and pillow cases on our pillows. We will be folding up one blanket and comforter per bed on the closet rack in the bedroom for each bed. We are recommending guests bring their own blankets and pillows. Ours are there if you want to use them but will be folded up. When you leave we will be asking you to strip the sheets off and put them in the red bin outside your cabin door. This will help our cleaning crew and hopefully be safer for both guests and our cleaning crew
I will be posting on our website and sending out an emails before you arrive, as soon as we have things more set and we know more from the governor and health department. I just want guests to know what we are doing and thinking as summer creeps closer. I will keep cabin rentals spaced apart between guests using the cabins as long as I can.

Walking down to the beach today the ice was off the lake completely

Putting in the little blue docks will happen this next week

Canoes sitting quietly waiting for passengers

Steve completed the over hang at Holiday this week. It looks great! Much nicer in the rain

Steve's to do list... getting shorter

Troy was down at Eagles Nest working on the walk way. He was replacing some of the walkway with paving stones

Old rotted boards

New pavers going in

Back to thinking about summer and what it will hold..... We will let you know as we start navigating how to do this
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.