Raking and Things

Posted: Apr 07, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2155 We have been very thankful for a little bubble in the northwoods the last few weeks. We have kept busy with projects and getting going on spring maintenance. We do not know what the future holds but we will be ready for it. We are waiting for direction from the state to know how to operate as summer gets closer. Stay tuned we have been discussing it and have some ideas to get through this but we are waiting to see how things play out more. Folks booked into May we will deal with first as the state and health department give us rules and guidelines to go by We actually are open. Hotels are an essential business. We have had a couple of folks each week who are essential travelers who have no choice for their job but have to travel. One was a gas person who has to test gasoline at gas stations for quality control. We have been happy to provide them a safe place to stay with complete social distancing and cabins that had not been touched in days for them to feel safe to stay in while they have to work to keep our country rolling. I also have some friends in the health care field who if they need to shelter away from their families will be coming over by us for a cabin. No need for that so far thankfully We will get through this together we just don't know what the other side will look like so bare with us as we wait to see what to do IMG_2163 In the meantime our little bubble of a family works together to get the resort cleaned up, cause when this is over everyone is going to need some time in the woods to decompress and we will be ready These guys are standing around debating what cabin I have clean that they can descend upon and mess up. Currently they are spread out with projects in 4 cabins. Projects are our therapy dealing with the current situation and we are happy to have things to work on together. Chris Moran is on the right. He came to visit March 13th and has not left. His wife Amanda is a grocery store worker in Illinois and is keeping a Kroeger store operating as she helps tell store employees and shoppers to behave themselves. We applaud you Amanda! and all other essential workers. My best friend Sue is a pharmacy tech here in Minocqua at Walgreens and hats off to her as well as she begins a 6 day work week that is stressful each day. These two ladies are just an example of people who are getting the rest of us through this IMG_2168 Meanwhile the rest of us need to help them do their jobs by staying home. Grant helping us haul leaves in between taking his college classes online at the kitchen counter. Ben graduates this May and is already looking into come accounting jobs in the central Wisconsin area. Hoping that works out IMG_2167 Bella part of our little Black's Cliff bubble getting a break from her classes and bringing Aunt Jenny and Uncle Troy a cookie while we were raking IMG_2164 Blowing leaves 60780540894__E076FA95-83A2-4655-B131-5C2CA642E614 60789029183__F58E9691-BB33-4BC4-B008-1D5C79FF5E80 IMG_2165 Lots of clean up ahead. IMG_2159 The pile of socks that need finishing grows and grows. Troy and I are making about 3 pair a day late in the afternoon before dinner. The problem is after dinner I have not been finishing them up as fast as usual because...... 60774893627__1D8EEB9F-BC04-4ADE-8766-DE0D121551B9 The boys have gotten us going on Animal Crossing. If you need to pass some time on a deserted island that you are in control of that is light and fluffy and virus free may I recommend this game. Everyone in our family has it including my friend Sue and we have been having island parties exchanging iron ore, ladders and fruit. The flight over to each others islands is hilarious on DoDo airlines. Sew up sock toes or...... go walk across a beach looking for clams.... hmmmmmm
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