Mid Winter

Posted: Jan 26, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1621 Its been a beautiful week it the northwoods. A little new snow everyday has kept the woods looking fresh and the trees full of snow IMG_1596 We started shoveling off the fronts of a few of the cabins ing Grant got in to it before leaving for college. If you give him a choice between cleaning cabins or shoveling roofs he happily puts his snow gear on and goes up a ladder. Back to studying economics at Saint Norbert and Ben is finishing his final semester of accounting. Ben will be graduating in May and then heading into CPA exams IMG_1605 Before Grant left he finished work on his first Sequence game. He created this game board out of Pabst caps. It was his first major wood working project and he did it on his own. This game will be for sale in the office. IMG_1606 Sequence is a great family game. Our family has spent hours playing it 60157864783__EE03F569-F407-45AE-9DF8-7B31627BAAB9 IMG_1622 Everyone was out on the trails this weekend enjoying the snow IMG_1619 Mack was enjoying the snow in a more leisurely fashion IMG_1615 Snow banks are getting high as Troy carves out sidewalks IMG_1616 Picnic table sums up the depth of the snow off trail IMG_1612 IMG_1613 IMG_1600 Squirrel update we dropped off flying squirrels number 6, 7 and 8 at the Northwoods Wildlife Hospital who will winter them until spring when they will be released far away from the resort and any attic they may want to find as a home February 1st weekend we have several cabins open 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms. I am putting a special on Shamrock for smaller groups. Give a call or check out the availability page on the resort website Summer 2020 is filling fast I had 2 cancelations come in Shamrock June 20 - 27 and Red Pine June 26 - July 3rd Again the website has the summer openings posted on it and any new cancelations I will put an post on our Facebook page. Summer 2020 deposits were due on the 20th and I am about to make some phone calls to folks who do not have theirs in. Keep your eye out for cancelations this week as I make those calls
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