Lots Going On As The Snow Melts

Posted: Mar 02, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1843 Spring has sprung and everyone seemed to feel it and time to get out and enjoy some sunshine Mack has been hanging out on the lake with the Cikowski crew. You know the lake is safe when Mack with no encouragement beyond Fritz and his pocket of sausages heads out to the middle of the lake IMG_1844 Off he goes IMG_1846 Whats happening since I was here 15 minutes ago. Did you find more sausages? IMG_1848 Fish are not as exciting to Mack as they are to Fritz, Jimmy and Tommy IMG_1845 Loving spring! IMG_1861 Our family this weekend headed off fat air biking with Katie and Bryon at the Zipline. Ben and Ali were home for the weekend IMG_1862 Ready to head down the trail with Katie. The LAMBO club keeps the trails at the Zipline in tip top shape. It is like gliding through the woods with the huge tires. Very fun and perfect weekend to go. Andy at Chequamagon Adventure company in Min0cqua rents out the bikes if you ever want to try. Fat Tire biking can be done year round. The big tires are great for the woods in the summer as well at the winter IMG_1849 They had a fat tire race with 55 entries and Bryon was reading off the winners IMG_1850 Lots to fun! IMG_1868 In other news it was tree tapping time. Troy and I tapped 43 trees on Sunday. They are just starting to run and wake up. Can't wait to smell sap cooking on the wood stove. If you make it up in the next couple of weeks you can check out our taps around the resort and cook a little down if you want to try it on the stove IMG_1865 Not hard to do IMG_1875 IMG_1880 First bucket of clear sap ready to head to the woodstove IMG_1876 Tory and Steve informed me they were done helping me clean and have turned in their dusters for sanders and have started their first project. I believe these boards are headed to Bear Den's bedrooms along with some new windows. Red Pine's new bedroom doors are also in Steve's workshop getting sanded and varnished IMG_1877 Nope I do not want to make beds today in the cabins. IMG_5505 (2) In sock news I had this fun picture sent to me by Leslie Urbaniak of my socks at Antartica. She says here toes are warm as can be in her Sock Shop socks IMG_5498 (2) Makes me laugh to think of how wide and far my socks have gone. I know of a few pair in Europe too and some Christmas stockings in Alaska IMG_1834 In other news from the sock shop, Troy and I took some time to get my 1890's Lamb Vcam flat bed knitter going. This machine came to me in April as a rusted hunk of junk that had been headed to scrap heap IMG_1840 It has been quite a project getting this old knitter going. The gold dial is the counter. When it moves it is amazing to see the craftsmanship in this old machine IMG_1874 It has found a home in our dinning room. Not sure exactly what I will make with it but just happy to have the old machine working with new life Stay tuned to see what comes off it IMG_1831 Mack is slightly disturbed about what might come off the machine. A new pink sweater to match the scarf
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