Black's Cliff Blog

Some of This and That

Posted: Mar 08, 2017

Excerpt: It is March, things melt, freeze, melt and freeze again. That is what has happened to the lake. The top melted again and refroze and there is one benefit to this. Ice skating is great. You can see in the distance someone who could not resist skating across the lake Steve and Penny out enjoying the lake A little... Read more

Walk in the Woods

Posted: Mar 05, 2017

Excerpt: Late afternoon and we headed out for a walk on the blue trail. The snow is not deep enough for snowshoes at the moment so it was a nice walk in the woods with the dog Dog checking out all the smells on the way Made it out the outlook at the bog Tracks of this and that headed... Read more

Warm Up

Posted: Feb 22, 2017

Excerpt: We had warm temps the last few days and the maple trees have started flowing. I took this picture before the rain on Monday. We have lost lots of snow but have a major snow storm coming with 9 inches to a foot on Thursday into Friday so winter is not over yet. The maple trees are waking up... Read more

Spring Break Water Falls

Posted: Mar 03, 2017

Excerpt: Spring is a great time to come up north. The water falls of the Black River are amazing this time of the year through May Here is a link to info on the falls. Our cabins are at the lowest rates of the year from now till May 24th starting at 130/night Give a call and spend Spring Break... Read more

Winter is Back

Posted: Jan 28, 2017

Excerpt: We held on to our snow and are slowly building it back up with snow here and there. Looks like some fun weeks of snow play ahead Our skating rink has just about recovered from the warmer temps. The top melted and right now has refrozen. We were giving letting it sit over the week letting the surface ice... Read more

Snow Dog and Perch

Posted: Feb 02, 2017

Excerpt: We have had fresh snow added to what we already had on the ground. It makes for some great time to enjoy the snow. Mack was playing king of the snow pile We had ice fishermen up this last weekend. They shared their perch catch picture with me. They reported also catching a nice northern but no picture of... Read more


Posted: Feb 13, 2017

Excerpt: It was a beautiful weekend in the Northwoods. Blue skies and great snow. Everyone was playing in the snow There was much joy in the discovery of the dog park by PackMan he was jumping for joy We were jumping for joy this weekend too as our son Grant qualified for the state swim meet in Madison next Friday... Read more

Keith's Cliff History Find

Posted: Feb 16, 2017

Excerpt: We have stayed cold enough to keep our snow and the lake is safely frozen for now. We are headed up to 40's for the next few days starting tomorrow. Hopefully we hold on to enough snow for folks to play in after that as it seems winter is not done looking at the forecast for last week of... Read more

Summer of 1963

Posted: Jan 25, 2017

Excerpt: The Tungett sisters, Eleanor and Linda at the horse shoe tournament this summer in honor of their Dad, Roy. The Tungetts are one of our many families that date back over generations spending 50 plus years at the resort. Linda sent me some fun pictures from the summer of 1963 Linda and little Eleanor swimming in Lower Kaubashine. They... Read more

Life Is Short Enjoy!

Posted: Jan 22, 2017

Excerpt: We had the Randel family up this weekend. It was a warm weekend and icy but they did a great job finding stuff to keep their girls busy. Ice skating, sledding in Lake Tomahawk at the town park, building a snowman and trying out the pinball game in the office where their high lights. It was not a perfect... Read more

Raven Trail Skiing, Wednesday

Posted: Jan 18, 2017

Excerpt: Temps in the upper 30's and great snow it was time for Troy and I to put our skis on. So far we have avoided all the rain everyone got to the south. The snow is still in good shape. We are going to be warm the next few days. Hoping the snow pack hangs in there. I think... Read more

International Hockey

Posted: Jan 17, 2017

Excerpt: We had a bunch of the local foreign exchange students stop by with our boys to play hockey. We had the countries of France, Norway and Germany represented on the ice. Most of them had skated but never played hockey before. Christian from Norway guaranteed me the ice in Norway is slicker than the ice here. I caught this... Read more


Posted: Jan 10, 2017

Excerpt: The flakes are flying today. These two flakes were enjoying the 5 - 8 inches of snow we are receiving today. It is all fun to them. This will be one of the best weekends to enjoy the winter this weekend. Give a call if you need to be a flake too in the snow like these two Other... Read more

Lots of Snow

Posted: Jan 11, 2017

Excerpt: We had a lot of snow come down last night. 8 plus inches of new snow and more coming as I type. It is definitely winter in the Northwoods. We have one cabin left for this weekend if you want to come up to play Mach objects to Penny hogging the blog yesterday and insisted on being in the... Read more

Fun Piece of History

Posted: Jan 05, 2017

Excerpt: Steve has been working in Craig's basement on some signs and stumbled across this interesting piece of history. The Keith's who built the resort in 1918 and sold it to Maynard in 1946 made this great paper. They were commenorating the building of the Barbecue Pit that is still in the front yard today. I had not seen this... Read more

Time to Cut Some Wood

Posted: Jan 09, 2017

Excerpt: The bitterly cold temps have gone away for now and it is time to get some wood cut. The woodshed is almost empty on one side. Steve eyed up this oak to drop almost on top of the wood pile to start out the cutting and chopping The axe is ready And the wood splitter is warmed up. I... Read more

Fun on the Lake

Posted: Dec 31, 2016

Excerpt: Everyone was headed to the lake for New Years Eve. The temps were nice and the ice is awesome! The Volbrect Family was having a great time on the ice rink playing hockey Thanks to them for getting their boys to pause long enough to take a quick picture The ice was nice enough they could skate all the... Read more

Cold But Fun Things To Do

Posted: Jan 04, 2017

Excerpt: It was a cold sunrise this morning of 0 degrees. I took this picture through my warm window. Staying inside today where it is warm with a fire We always get asked what is a good fish fry? We usually not get out much on Fridays as we usually have check ins or check outs we are waiting on... Read more

Skating Rink

Posted: Dec 23, 2016

Excerpt: Our snowblower was acting up and we have been back and forth to town getting it fixed. We ended up borrowing one from a friend while ours is getting its carburetor fixed. The fix it guys just did not catch how important our Christmas hockey game was and the need to get a rink blown off. Troy happily got... Read more

Freezing Over

Posted: Dec 08, 2016

Excerpt: Cold temps this week quickly have the lake heading to freeze over The raft frozen in place this morning We will be clearing off an ice rink before we know it This guy is unimpressed and will not be heading anywhere near the frozen ice anytime soon. When Mack finally ventures on to the lake you know it is safe... Read more

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