Black's Cliff Blog

Horseshoes 2017

Posted: Jul 06, 2017

Excerpt: 4th of July week means one thing. Time to pole dance with horseshoes and head to Hilltop for the annual tournament with everyone in the resort. The brackets were made in the 2017 Roy Tungett Horseshoe Tournament. Roy was smiling down watching it all take place and happy Tom made all the brackets balance out Early warm ups for... Read more

Quiet Morning

Posted: Jul 11, 2017

Excerpt: Beautiful quiet morning at the lake today Nice time to grab a cup of coffee and your sister and head to the lake Or grab a pole like Rob and see what is biting The answer came a minute later with a bass ... Read more

Weekly List

Posted: Jul 02, 2017

Excerpt: Three giggling girls getting rowed by dad. What could be sweeter than that you ask? How about a canoeing poodle. Ruby is one of my favorites who stop in. Sharon and Nancy take her everywhere including a canoe and Ruby loves every minute of it No falling in! Poodles ride well but do not appreciate getting wet Follow up... Read more

Summer Solstice

Posted: Jun 23, 2017

Excerpt: We spent a cool summer solstice swimming at the lake late at night. It has been a cool week and everyone has been making trips to the woodshed The Kloida family enjoying a cool evening around the fire. Everyone would love it to be warmer but it is not stopping families from enjoying time together Steve and Troy have... Read more

Toasting Vacation

Posted: Jun 25, 2017

Excerpt: We had a wonderful night out with about 1/2 of the resort at The Hazelhurst Pub. I will not say what was being toasted here as, what happens in Wisconsin stays in Wisconsin. It is hard sometimes to find a restaurant for 16 people to sit at one table. The Pub made room for us. Everyone enjoyed the start... Read more

Pictures From The Past

Posted: Jun 28, 2017

Excerpt: The Tungett kids have been coming to the resort since they were little kids. Linda, Mike and Eleanor spending another summer on Lower Kaubashine. Missing those who have passed but enjoying time spent with each other that is priceless and to be enjoyed Linda and Eleanor in the early 60's at the lake. Linda making sure Eleanor stays safe... Read more


Posted: Jun 04, 2017

Excerpt: It was raft launching day. They guys were ready and were just missing Paul to help them put it in. They decided to persevere with out him We finally had enough dry days in a row to get the raft painted. Penny and Steve were off to get it in place I am thinking the thought of pushing Steve... Read more


Posted: Jun 13, 2017

Excerpt: Very exciting time for our family. Jake and his fiancé Michelle graduated from Lawrence University in Appleton this weekend. A very big congrats to them. They are graduating with degrees in Biology and Religious Studies. Both are also getting their teaching certificates and are starting out in Appleton next fall finishing up their student teaching and then heading off... Read more

Weekend Pictures

Posted: May 29, 2017

Excerpt: It was a beautiful weekend one the lake The community room was hoping with teenagers playing games til 11 pm. We were given a beautiful gift by Ruth Grady when she arrived. Ruth spent part of her winter making us a 25 year anniversary quilt. We loved it! We have the best guests who become not just guests but... Read more

Bentleys Big Day

Posted: Jun 01, 2017

Excerpt: Bentley had a big day with Grandma and Grandpa. Morning started out with Grandpa Mike at Paul Bunyans. The bear was something he was not too sure about Bentley was much happier when the donuts came over being close to a bear When grandpa catches a Northern 2 inches bigger than you are it is a little much for... Read more

Party At The Cliff

Posted: May 15, 2017

Excerpt: The party was here this weekend. The Jung family descended on the resort for their annual birthday weekend. There is someone in the family that is always celebrating a birthday that ends in a 0 or a 5. They have decided that each year they are getting together no matter what and celebrating whoever is the 0 or ... Read more

Build an Ark

Posted: May 19, 2017

Excerpt: Mack would like to know what happened to his safe water free beach last night. He is very confused Yesterday the beach wall was nice and safe and today after the storms of the last 2 days the beach has been invaded by water Wondering where exactly the drop off is and where those darn blue gills are that... Read more


Posted: Apr 19, 2017

Excerpt: Spring is springing around the resort. Snow is all gone and it is slowly starting to look green here and there Spring clean up of leaves has been in the last week and we are slowly shaking the shaggy leafy look of early spring The Day Lillies sprouting up in front of Birchwood Chives I planted in Birchwood garden... Read more

Peaceful Pictures

Posted: May 04, 2017

Excerpt: Been off the blog for awhile due to the space bar on my computer deciding to quite working. I managed to keep my emails checked on my iPad but the blog did not happen til today when my computer came back. So peaceful pictures are the theme today Green chair at the lake is what we all need Swing... Read more

The Semmelmeyer Arrives

Posted: Apr 04, 2017

Excerpt: Steve arrived at the resort with 2 of his winter projects that he finished. This canoe is a 1934 Saint Louis Mermarc canoe. It has been sitting in our boat shed since 1978 when Craig and Trudy bought it from the Semmelmeyer and Geracke families just down the road from the resort. The canoe needed lots of work and... Read more

Keep An Eye Out For Us

Posted: Mar 28, 2017

Excerpt: Along with the commercials that the state of Wisconsin filmed at the resort they took a lot of pictures to use in their summer advertising campaign. We were not told where they would end up being used. Jake was driving back from spring break through Chicago and looked up to see Grant, Uncle Steve, Ali and his cousins jumping... Read more


Posted: Mar 29, 2017

Excerpt: Melting is definitely going on. We are happy to see ground again View from the raft this morning. The lake has a way to go in melting Can't wait to roll the boats back in the water We have been busy collecting sap and boiling down to syrup. So far we have collected 2 gallons of sap... Read more

Heaving and Popping

Posted: Mar 10, 2017

Excerpt: Our lake has been popping and snapping with the change in temps from melting to freezing. It has started to shift like plate tectonics. The power of the ice to move and destroy docks is something we have not had happen in many years. Usually our smaller docks get moved around a little and we jet them back into place... Read more


Posted: Mar 19, 2017

Excerpt: If you did not notice there have not been any new blog entries this week. That is because Troy and I headed off on vacation and left Chris and Amanda Moran in charge of the resort and Mack. Chris was ready to cook maple syrup for us if the trees went nuts while we were gone. Thankfully it was... Read more

Birchwood Gets Some Changes

Posted: Mar 23, 2017

Excerpt: We were home one day from spring break and next thing you know there are projects going. Birchwood is getting a few new windows. I will miss the old french window in the bathroom, but when I pay the heating bill in the winter I will not Here it is with the new window in Before.... After. These hard... Read more

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