International Hockey

Posted: Jan 17, 2017
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1465 We had a bunch of the local foreign exchange students stop by with our boys to play hockey. We had the countries of France, Norway and Germany represented on the ice. Most of them had skated but never played hockey before. Christian from Norway guaranteed me the ice in Norway is slicker than the ice here. IMG_1453 I caught this great sequence of photos as Christian tested out our American ice for the first time IMG_1454 I could not duplicate this picture again if I tried. It was completely be accident. IMG_1455 IMG_1448 We had some melting and freezing and the ice was clear. Even though it gets different colors in the ice it is all safe IMG_1461 Grant and Christian warming up the ice for everyone else IMG_1481 Game on the face off IMG_1480 Grant snags the puck while Christian recovers from our slippery ice IMG_1476 Game on, all nations on ice! IMG_1473 France has the puck on the side line. IMG_1472 At this point Christian decides it is time to get serious on this slippery American ice IMG_1478 Ben recovers a puck in the snow as Germany breathes down his neck IMG_1477 The Gibson boys defending from the Norwegian onslaught IMG_1467 It went on like this for over an hour. They came up cold and hungry from the ice. Happy to experience something they had not even in the wilds of Norway. We do our best to help with international relations IMG_1462 The spectators to the international hockey game Our temps are going up this next weekend but we have so far managed to avoid the rain and snow is still in good shape. This coming weekend might be a great one for warm hockey games on ice and almost spring like skiing at Winter Park. Troy and I may even break our skis out for an adventure on a ski trail. We like skiing in the warmer temps. I still have 6 cabins open starting at 160/night Fri and Sat and 130/night mid week call for details
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