Time to Cut Some Wood

Posted: Jan 09, 2017
Categories:  Resort Life 
img_1412 The bitterly cold temps have gone away for now and it is time to get some wood cut. The woodshed is almost empty on one side. Steve eyed up this oak to drop almost on top of the wood pile to start out the cutting and chopping img_1413 The axe is ready img_1414 And the wood splitter is warmed up. I meant to catch Ben and Troy in action but apprently it was break time img_1366 Other things going on there was much discussion at the kitchen table and a map was pulled out. Nothing gets Steve excited more than walking through the woods planning trails. I was hearing comments about wood being put down across swampy sections of the trail to open up more beautiful sections of hiking trails on our 80 acres img_1367 This all makes sense to Steve and Troy. I was hearing of the red trail having a cut across to loop back to the blue trail over some planks put across swampy areas. Interestingly Steve was finding in the woods old areas that they backed a train track up into in order to log the land back in the very early 1900's. We have found spurs like this before and now are going to be clearing out some more of them for use. img_1406 The Olenchek crew was up skiing for their usual visit to Birchwood. They have been doing this for over 20 years at the resort. Back when they started our TV's were small and they brought a projector with to watch movies at night on the wall creating their own movie screen. Now technology and TV's are bigger but they still happily set up their projector img_1405 The best way to watch TV. Not sure how old this projector is and the gas are not saying img_1415 Despite the cold everyone enjoyed the snow this weekend. We have not received any of the rain that other areas got last week. It has been adding up img_1411 Here is the snowmobile trail headed to Minocqua. It is in good shape. It could always use more snow and it looks like there is more in the forecast for this week. We have 3 cabins left this weekend. Call for details We have had several summer cancelations. I have our list up to date at www.blackscliff.com click on right side an go to summer. I keep the openings up to date there and on our Facebook Page. Right now both are being updated almost daily with the changes in the summer reservations. Summer deposits for returning guests are due January 20th so there is a lot of moving around on the cabins right now as folks finalize their plans for summer
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