Black's Cliff Blog

Misty Lake Pics!

Posted: Oct 05, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_176" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Mists were out this morning making awesome pics"][/caption] Grab your cup of coffee and enjoy! It went below freezing and there was moisture in the air and the lake mists are back [caption id="attachment_177" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Ice on the dock made it a treachorous walk on the dockSunrise on Lower KaubashineMy favorite log in the... Read more

Another way of looking at things

Posted: Oct 03, 2008

Excerpt: I had this one emailed to me today and had to share. Gives you some perspective and a laugh If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago you would have $49.00 left. With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00. With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left. But... Read more

Lynnette's Garden

Posted: Oct 01, 2008

Excerpt: Introducing Lloyd Craig's alter ego in Lynnette's garden When Lynnette has a deer spotted in her garden and Craig is off with the dogs who does she call, Lloyd and Flyod..... Nope... One look from this intimidating heron is all it takes to have them flicking their tails back.over the fence and leaving the flowers alone One more week and... Read more

More Color

Posted: Oct 02, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_154" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Road to the Resort"][/caption] Parked quickly and snapped this pic to show what it is like to drive down the road to the resort lately. Every day the color has popped more and more [caption id="attachment_157" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Vew from Blackwood's dock looking back at the resort"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_155" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="View from Blackwood's dock"][/caption] [caption... Read more

Pirates take over Minocqua

Posted: Oct 03, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_161" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Pirates taking over Minocqua"][/caption] The Podriza crew showing their true pirating colors this weekend at Beef A Rama. I put out a bounty for a picture of them and finally had a few Beef A Rama pics submitted from the Life Spring Coffee Clutch. I hear the cannons even fired. I would have loved to see... Read more

Colors at the Lake

Posted: Sep 30, 2008

Excerpt: I figured everyone would appreciate checking out the colors at the lake. I took all these pictures at sunset Sunday night [caption id="attachment_124" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Medicine Man Joe and Linda enjoying the lake on their dock"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_127" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="My favorite view of the fallen tree"] [/caption] [caption id="attachment_122" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Til tomorrow when the colors get... Read more

Stress Reducer

Posted: Sep 30, 2008

Excerpt: Watching way too much CNN yesterday I needed a little perspective and peace. I headed out the door to find some peace and calm outside. I think I caught that picture below with Birchwood [caption id="attachment_134" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Birchwood looking warm, inviting and peaceful in the changing colors"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_133" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Colors blooming above Birchwood"][/caption] I took a picture... Read more

Colors coming through

Posted: Sep 26, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_111" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="This tree is in mid change with 1/2 of the leaves changed"][/caption] This is the maple tree by Birchwood's porch. We are at about 40% of the trees changing. Hight of color will be in the next week. There is no better time to be at the resort [caption id="attachment_112" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Poe the only victim... Read more

Beef A Rama 2008 ready or not

Posted: Sep 26, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_117" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Beef A Rama Crew ready for Beef A Rama 2008"][/caption] Ususally this crew is bigger. Every year they dress up the beef for TJ's Butcher Block with their antics and costumes. Last year they were the ugliest and funniest cheer leaders ever aloud to put on a uniform. This year I hear the theme is back... Read more

Working, Working, Working

Posted: Oct 14, 2008

Excerpt: Fall means cool weather, less people and that adds up to some construction projects starting. The front walkway the 1st of the wooden walkways constructed around the resort 25 years ago needed a little TLC Troy and Steve enjoying a warm fall afternoon atop the sauna. This may be the last rolled roofing put on at Black's Cliff. The... Read more

Autumn Loons

Posted: Sep 25, 2008

Excerpt: Not the best picture but the best I could get from a distance. The loons are starting to show their gray winter plumage. They should be heading out in a couple of weeks for the Gulf of Mexico, or the East Coast.... Read more

Nice Fish, 26 inch Northern!

Posted: Sep 23, 2008

Excerpt: In between Muskie fishing, Jimmy Cikowski caught these two nice fish last weekend. They were headed straight for the frying pan ... Read more

These are for Paul

Posted: Sep 23, 2008

Excerpt: Had a special request for screen saver pics from Paul Zaremba this last weekend. The sunrise cooperated this morning so I took a pic both ways side ways and regular. Enjoy and I will just add it to Paul's bill [/caption] ... Read more

Wife Carrying, Wife Ferrying and Pike Carrying Contest

Posted: Sep 21, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_77" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="What to do in Retirement?"][/caption] Move to Minocqua and get involved with the community by helping to organize the Wife Carrying, Wife Ferrying and Pike Carrying event. Thanks John! Beats board meetings and traffic any day [caption id="attachment_73" align="alignnone" width="417" caption="Wife Carrying"][/caption] This weekend it was the 2nd Annual Wife Carrying, Wife Ferrying and Pike... Read more

What happens when you ask a Blonde for fishing advice?

Posted: Sep 21, 2008

Excerpt: Fritz the winner of our ice out contest 2008 is one of the best Muskie Hunters on Lower Kaubashine next to Jimmy and Al was a having a small problem finding crappie. A blonde happened to over hear his dilemma and whispered in his ear, slip bobber and 12 - 15 feet of water and look what happened Into the... Read more

How do you know you are sharing the woods with a bear?

Posted: Sep 21, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_64" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="The Lure of the Blackberry"][/caption] It is the end of the blackberry season in the North and we headed off for one last afternoon to pick for Jam. We did not get many rasberries this year so we were eager to fill the freezer with Blackberries. How eager? Eager enough to share the patch with a... Read more

Geocaching the Bearskin

Posted: Sep 17, 2008

Excerpt: After being stuck in the house for a rainy Saturday it was time to head out on a Geo Cache We headed out to a part of the Bearskin Trail I had never been on. We caught the trail down by Pinewood Golf Course South of Hazelhurst about 5 miles. 2 moms, 5 kids and 2 dogs following a GPS... Read more

Roofs and Vinegar

Posted: Sep 18, 2008

Excerpt: Time for a scientific experiment! Why does Muskie grow such a nice patch of moss on it every year. I have no idea. We have tried many remedies and even tried ignoring it. This year we are giving Vinegar a try. It worked on a parch of poison ivy earlier along with salt. One of the nice things about running... Read more

The New Birch Bark Blog!

Posted: Sep 17, 2008

Excerpt: Hello everyone, Bryon Black here. Welcome to the new Birch Bark Blog, the daily online journal of all things related to running and living at Northern Wisconsin's best family-owned and operated four-season resort. I've been testing the new blog for the past month and feel that it is now ready for your reading, and commenting pleasure. That's right. You can... Read more

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