The Lorax Report on the trees

Posted: Oct 08, 2008
Categories:  Resort Life 
I had many concerned emails and great comments from Linda, Linda, Amy and Bob about our tree issue the other day. I think I should have those 4 be in charge of the work detail if the 20 somethings that did this every show up to plant new trees. Troy had already cleaned up the stumps and limbs making it look better. I thought I would share a few pics. My nephew calls me the Lorax from Dr Seuss, he made the mistake of painting one of my birch trees years ago and I have never let him forget it. He also planted a few trees for me that day. Hence he calls me the Lorax of the trees [caption id="attachment_219" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Limbed tree almost to the top"]Limbed tree almost to the top[/caption] This is the first tree I spotted. I had transplanted it over 20 years ago. It was a survivor of the new septic that was installed 10 years ago or so. I made the bull dozer guy be careful when he was digging to save this tree. The guys wacked off about 5 feet of limbs off it leaving the top alone. I am hoping it has enough limbs left to survive. Troy cleaned the limbs up they had left stumps sticking out 2 inches from each limb they took off [caption id="attachment_216" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="The only tree Troy had not cleaned up"]The only tree Troy had not cleaned up[/caption] Troy missed this one in his clean up to calm his wife down. This tree is half way down the steps, it was holding in the hillside next to the steps. They uprooted it and threw it to the side of the hill with the roots dangling out [caption id="attachment_214" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Stump in lower right hand corner at the top of Holiday's steps"]Stump in lower right hand corner at the top of Holiday's steps[/caption] This was a beautiful spruce tree transplanted a few years ago. Troy cut the stump down it was hacked 3 feet off the ground looking like toothpicks sticking up from the ground. This is the one that set me over the edge as it was done so completely for no reason [caption id="attachment_213" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="What is left of the spruce and maple"]What is left of the spruce and maple[/caption] Stumps are all that is left at the top of the steps by Restawhile. The spruce used to hang over the railing. These were also wacked off about 3 feet off the ground til Troy cleaned them up [caption id="attachment_215" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Shrubs cut off"]Shrubs cut off[/caption] Through out the hillside in front of the cabin sticks sticking up from being wacked off. I don't know how many were Hazelbrush and how many were saplings. After the reaction from the blog I thought I would share the pics. Makes you wonder about people and their mentality. Craig wanted to call the police but since they were cleaned up we are letting that go. They will not be back to Black's Cliff
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