Geocaching the Bearskin
Posted: Sep 17, 2008
Northern Wisconsin Activities
After being stuck in the house for a rainy Saturday it was time to head out on a Geo Cache
We headed out to a part of the Bearskin Trail I had never been on. We caught the trail down by Pinewood Golf Course South of Hazelhurst about 5 miles. 2 moms, 5 kids and 2 dogs following a GPS .91 miles to the cache.
One maple tree in particular was in full color. Others were just starting to turn
It has not frozen yet so the ferns are still alive and make a big contrast with the bright red leaves
Sign talking about the Bearskin Creek that runs along the trail. That is what makes this end of the trail so pretty. Both sides have water flowing past and the trees are thick almost coming over the trail
Our favorite part was the observation deck that looks out at the Bearskin Creek watershed
Riley finding his own trail. He was in doggie heaven. Poe found something that smelled ungodly to roll in but I did not discover it til 9pm when he laid next to the couch and the odor wafed to my nose. With rain coming down he and I were out in the yard with the garden hose and my coconut butter shampoo. His nose was out of joint still this morning over the unexpected bath but our noses were all much happier.
Cache found and we headed home
If you have only taken the trail from Hazelhurst to Minocqua you really need to try the southern end of the trail it is I think much prettier.

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