Lynnette's Garden
Posted: Oct 01, 2008Introducing Lloyd Craig's alter ego in Lynnette's garden
When Lynnette has a deer spotted in her garden and Craig is off with the dogs who does she call, Lloyd and Flyod..... Nope... One look from this intimidating heron is all it takes to have them flicking their tails back.over the fence and leaving the flowers alone
One more week and the garden will look much different when the first freeze comes in. Craig and Lynnette are enjoying every moment they can squeeze into our very short growing season.

Llyod keeps watch at the top of the steps over Lynnette's gardens. Keeping the deer, rabbits and chipmunks at bay is his main job. Keeping Ottis from digging everything up while chasing chipmunks is Craig and Lynnette's job, Lloyd can only do so much

It came from Betty Lindeman and seems to love its spot in the sun. Not many flowers thrive up here looking like something out of a garden center but this batch seems to have found its home. Thanks Betty!

Floyd along with helping Lloyd with his tasks tries to keep an eye on where Craig leaves all his coffee cups through out the garden. Floyd has been getting ready for winter as you can see from his large warm look. Enjoy the views at Floyd's end of the garden before the first big freeze. All these flowers survived Craig and Lynnette being gone for 2 weeks by grandchildren coming down and keeping them watered

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