Working, Working, Working
Posted: Oct 14, 2008
Fall means cool weather, less people and that adds up to some construction projects starting. The front walkway the 1st of the wooden walkways constructed around the resort 25 years ago needed a little TLC

Troy and Steve enjoying a warm fall afternoon atop the sauna. This may be the last rolled roofing put on at Black's Cliff. The quality of the rolled roofing has changed over the years which has been evident lately with the number of leaks being reported. We have decided change is in the wind and Craig has put in his first order with UBC for 5,000 square feet of shingles for the cabins. Starting next spring and summer a major roofing push will be started. We will do them by priority and we may end up with half rolled and half shingles.

Now on to the question of what is Craig Building

John was trying to get it out of Craig as to what the project was......

Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.