Black's Cliff Blog

Pics of the Lake

Posted: Feb 11, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_968" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Picture from Sunday"][/caption] This is my pic from the other day at 6:30 am on Hwy 8 that I was going to put up on Monday. Sunrise with frost and fog How does out snow look now....... No comment I will let the pictures speak for themselves This looks like perfect ice skating conditions to me... Read more

Drip, Drip.... Drip How much snow is left?

Posted: Feb 10, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_961" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Rain Rain go away"][/caption] We received some rain last night that took out a bunch of our snow:( It is not totally gone but it sure did a bit of a melt down. I am sure more snow will cover the ground again. In fact here is the forcast I think the ground will be white... Read more

Job Security

Posted: Feb 06, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_954" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Starting out "][/caption] Troy and Steve stared the thinning of dead birch on the hillside. Everything started out good, I left to clean cabins. 20 minutes later Steve came running saying grab the camera and come see what Dad did [caption id="attachment_951" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="I have no idea what they are talking about......"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_953" align="alignnone"... Read more


Posted: Feb 09, 2009

Excerpt: After an incredibly busy weekend at sporting events I had the perfect picture to post this morning, sunrise on Highway 8 at 6:30 am that I stopped to take along the highway in the fog with a farm in the background. Only seeing the resort in the dark this weekend leaving or returning, I had no pics around the resort... Read more

Heading Down the Trail

Posted: Feb 05, 2009

Excerpt: It was a perfect day to head down the snowmobile trails and so we closed up the resort turned off the phone and down the trail we went. We took Lower Kaubashine to Camp 9, to trail 12. Trail 12 is windy and through the woods and led out to Cedar Falls. Took a break at the falls to... Read more

Views from the Lake

Posted: Feb 03, 2009

Excerpt: Saturday was a wonderful day for a photographer with icey fresh snow in the trees. Unfortunately I was stuck in a car running around to swimming and basketball tournaments and could only look at it out a car window. Diane Deloria who was staying at Restawhile this weekend ice fishing caught these great pics. Enjoy!! I particularly love this picture... Read more

Playing around on the Weekend

Posted: Feb 02, 2009

Excerpt: It was a beautiful warm weekend to get out and enjoy the Northwoods. We had folks doing everything from x-country skiing, ice fishing and snowmobiling [caption id="attachment_922" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="New way of marking your ice hole"][/caption] I was wondering what this strange blur was out on the lake [caption id="attachment_919" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Would the real Poe please step forward"][/caption]... Read more

How do you know it is warmer outside?

Posted: Feb 01, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_914" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Red Poles stopping into the feeder"][/caption] Temps went above 32 and the birds came out [caption id="attachment_911" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Temps up and the wood pile is growing"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_913" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="1st 2,000 piece puzzle completed"][/caption] The number 1 reason you know it has warmed up is that Grandpa Gibson has arrived for some ice fishing... Read more

What is stuck in the Chimney

Posted: Jan 29, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_906" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Rumor had it the chimney's needed a little cleaning"][/caption] Steve and Troy got on the chimney sweep detail, with the brush and ladder. Own a family business and the list of things you do never ends and requires many talents. [caption id="attachment_905" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Steve running into a bit of a plug"][/caption] What could be blocking... Read more


Posted: Jan 28, 2009

Excerpt: I just created the Black's Cliff Facebook page. If you are on facebook look it up. Post pics, videos add what you want. Kind of a fun way to share things during the cold winter months while waiting for summer to come... Read more

In the Mailbox

Posted: May 21, 2009

Excerpt: Hi Jenny, >> >> I'm not sure if you remember me or my family, but my name is Patrick >> Schmick.....our family had vacationed at your family's beautiful resort >> for >> close to 20 years. In fact, we loved the Northwoods so much my parents >> purchased a property so they could spend more time up there. >> >>... Read more

Wireless Internet at Black's Cliff?

Posted: Jan 28, 2009

Excerpt: Maybe sort of. As I am typing this blog entry I am connected to someone's highspeed Wild Blue. Some neighbor of mine is broadcasting wireless I do not know who, but periodically I pick up the signal especially on clear days. I am sure the signal is stronger in other areas of the resort. There will have to be some... Read more

Reward for retreival

Posted: Jan 26, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_884" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Do you see the splash of color at the top of the oak tree?"][/caption] That would be Benjamin's favorite kite stuck at the top. Any ideas on how to retreive this without cutting down the tree? We were flying kites out on the lake and the string ran out and off it went....... [caption id="attachment_886"... Read more

Arrivals in the Driveway

Posted: Jan 23, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_873" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Tom the tree man arrived with his box of trees"][/caption] One of my favorite winter guests arrived today with his box of new trees for the fireplaces. Every year they change a little. I have my favorites on my mantle and added the big one Tom is holding. The rest of them are spread out through... Read more

Big Flakes and Big Snow

Posted: Jan 25, 2009

Excerpt: For a short time we had these big flakes coming down which made for quite a winter wonderland. Looking up at the trees was quite a site to see. You could almost hear the big flakes hitting the ground This pic is looking out by The Perch, it was coming down so heavy you could not see across the... Read more

How deep is the snow?

Posted: Jan 22, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_865" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Snow is getting deep"][/caption] You know it is a good snow winter when the shovels are coming out in January. So far we have just started the shoveling with the weakest roofs, the porch roofs and boat shed. It is going to take more snow yet for us to start attacking the main roof tops. So... Read more

Fitting Picture for the Day

Posted: Jan 20, 2009

Excerpt: I had this picture emailed in from the group in Norway this weekend. They took it the same time I took my sunrise pics in my previous blog entry. I thought it was a fitting picture for today of all days... Read more

Sunrise, Snowy Screen Saver Pics

Posted: Jan 19, 2009

Excerpt: I uploaded these pics larger for those that want a new screen saver pic. I see the 2010 calendar pics here. I took them this morning off the hill with the sunrise My favorite pic of the group dedicated to Paul. Hey Paul this is better than a pic of the plow truck on your screen saver, took me... Read more

Openings for Summer

Posted: Jan 19, 2009

Excerpt: <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> I added a couple of openings this morning Eagles Nest June 20 - 27th and August 14 - 21st Summer 2009 Openings May – May 22nd Lots open at our lowest rates of the season. Memorial Day Weekend 3 night minimum Shamrock 3bdr Restawhile 2bdr... Read more

Northern Shrike

Posted: Jan 19, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_857" align="alignnone" width="230" caption="Northern Shrike"][/caption] Only someone who spent his childhood purusing bird books could on a quick glimpse identify this bird as a Northern Shrike. I had never heard of this bird before but Troy spotted it dive bombing out bird feeders after lunch. It is a bird of prey and eats other small brids. It was diving... Read more

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