Big Flakes and Big Snow

Posted: Jan 25, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
For a short time we had these big flakes coming down which made for quite a winter wonderland. Looking up at the trees was quite a site to see. You could almost hear the big flakes hitting the ground This pic is looking out by The Perch, it was coming down so heavy you could not see across the lake Snowmobilers and skiers checking out today are reporting the trails in great condition. We also had snowshoers out blazing trails across the road in the deep snow reporting in cold but fun times We would like to report sucess at Basketball tournaments even with the referees spotted working in the opponents food concessions. I would think that there should be a rule that ref's for a basketeball tournament not come out of the stands from the home team...... Just my need to blow off some steam on the blog
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