The Semmelmeyer Arrives

Posted: Apr 04, 2017
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2172 Steve arrived at the resort with 2 of his winter projects that he finished. This canoe is a 1934 Saint Louis Mermarc canoe. It has been sitting in our boat shed since 1978 when Craig and Trudy bought it from the Semmelmeyer and Geracke families just down the road from the resort. The canoe needed lots of work and Craig thought it would be a fun winter project some time. Well this winter was finally the time and Steve put a lot of TLC into the old canoe and it is actually capable of going back in the lake. However we decided it would have a different home IMG_2173 Steve also spent a few hours restoring the old resort sign that hangs from the porch. This is our old gate sign from back in the 70's and 80's that found a new home at the perch when the new totem pole gate came in. Weather the elements had this sign looking pretty shaggy and in need of a facelift IMG_2174 First things first. The canoe headed to its new home IMG_2176 Steve had researched how to hang canoes safely and he ordered this sling online and installed it. Now to get it up and in place IMG_2178 A few pulls on the ropes and up it goes. The boat has been dubbed the Semmelmeyer in honor of its original owners and looks good in its new spot. Much better than dust covered and in the boat shed IMG_2179 Now what could Steve be thinking of next for his next project that would match the boat theme..... Stay tuned to find out next winter... because no time now for basement projects IMG_2180 Down the stairs he goes with project number 2 IMG_2181 In place and looking good. Now on to working outside IMG_2184 When Norway was remodeled years ago the stairway from the old Norway was put by the new door as a temporary stairway til we had time to make a new one. Time went by.... and the stairway that was temporary stayed and stayed until today.. The guys have plans for it that will be much better IMG_2185 After destroying the old stairway at Norway time to do some tree trimming at Holiday. Holiday and Norway are getting some outside grounds keeping work done on them this spring. Holiday is also slatted for a new entrance but time might push that off til fall. It will be interesting to see how far they get in their sprucing up of the grounds around Holiday and Norway IMG_2187 The lake this afternoon getting blacker and blacker and ready to go out Right now we are set to have no guests yet in the cabins this weekend. If you want peace and quiet this might be the weekend to come up.
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