Keep An Eye Out For Us

Posted: Mar 28, 2017
Categories:  Resort Life 
FullSizeRender (1) Along with the commercials that the state of Wisconsin filmed at the resort they took a lot of pictures to use in their summer advertising campaign. We were not told where they would end up being used. Jake was driving back from spring break through Chicago and looked up to see Grant, Uncle Steve, Ali and his cousins jumping in the water along I90 in Chicago. I am not sure where all these billboards are but Jake counted 3 in Chicago. If you see others take pictures and send to us so we know how far Lower Kaubashine and the raft reach. You might see pictures like this in advertising for the state as well. Cut them out and bring along on next trip to the resort. Thanks! Kind of fun to see where they end up IMG_2130 We still have some snow in the woods but it is melting fast. The maple trees are dripping like mad and I am thinking this week will be the big sap run when we get into the 50's IMG_2129 Troy has been busy getting the new windows framed in, in Birchwood. I think they look great IMG_2128 New bathroom window. No more banging into the old french window getting out of the shower IMG_2131 Back to watching the lake melt and thinking of summer We have plenty of openings in April if you want to come up and watch spring, spring. Only Fools Run at Midnight is the first weekend in April if you are looking for a fun running event in 'April. The water falls an hour north of us are best seen during spring melt and April is the time. Give a call cabins start at 130/night. We run our lowest rates of the year mid week and weekends
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