Black's Cliff Blog

Why no picture?

Posted: Nov 20, 2008

Excerpt: Snow coming in tonight along with Deer Camp 2008. Snow in the pines pics tomorrow? This morning I put more time into the 2009 calendar. I am doing the ordering a little different this year. If you would like to see it and decide if you want to order it, send me an email and I will invite you into... Read more

For all parents out there

Posted: Nov 20, 2008

Excerpt: If you are like me, and a parent of kids under 18, or just someone who does not like inappropriate pop ups on the internet, I have the program to solve your problems. I just installed Cyberpatrol on my computer. If you have no filter on your computer and young kids in the house you may want to check it... Read more

Where did the ice go?

Posted: Nov 19, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_514" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Hopes running high for the start of winter"][/caption] The under 12 crew at the resort have been begging to get the sleds out for the little bit of snow we had the last few days. They made the most out of the snow yesterday [caption id="attachment_515" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Where did the ice go?"][/caption] I went down... Read more

Frozen in

Posted: Nov 18, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_507" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="The ice crept across the lake last night"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_509" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Steam rising between ice sheets"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_508" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Poe's ice report"][/caption] No way am I stepping out on the ice today [caption id="attachment_506" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="The Point"][/caption] A channel still open to the Point I still have 3 cabins left for Thanksgiving if... Read more

What is going on.....

Posted: Nov 14, 2008

Excerpt: What is going on....not much... what you see is what the Northwoods has going on LIttle Blog vacation is being declared, no new posts til Monday. Any problems see Jamie and Nathan in Birchwood or Poe Coming soon The Birchbark Blog 2009 calendar is under production stay tuned... Read more

Winter Moving in

Posted: Nov 17, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_497" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Winter Approaching "][/caption] The raft being slowly iced in [caption id="attachment_498" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Boats out in time"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_499" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Ice Creeping across the lake"][/caption] Missing Picture this morning. Sunrise from the top of the hill with an Eagle at the top of a birch tree looking out over the lake and the sunrise. Dam... Read more

4 Point Buck

Posted: Nov 11, 2008

Excerpt: This dear almost made us late for our lunch date with John and Linda at our favorite Mexican Restaurant Jr Salsa's in Woodruff. He is about the only thing that would have me slowing down on the way to get my pork enchiladas I had been thinking about all morning We ran across him on the other side of the... Read more

Memories of the Titanic come to mind?

Posted: Nov 12, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_483" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Burrr Steve's one boat ride of the year"] [/caption] Steve waited for the take out through ice to take his ride in the ski boat. Yes that is ice you see in the bay. We never seem to get the boats all out without using a ice breaker in the bay at Hilltop. I think the... Read more

Snow is on the ground

Posted: Nov 10, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_464" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Oreo's advice today stay by the fireplace"][/caption] Our most out spoken guinea pig (of 5) would like to offer the advice of hanging by the fireplace with snow still coming down today. She also is putting in a plug for folks to leave behind carrots and lettuce I think the sun was out for this picture... Read more

Congrats to Captain Tungett and The Tungett Family

Posted: Nov 10, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_470" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Congrats to Captain Tungett and the rest of the Tungett Family"][/caption] Captain Tungett retired from the Navy and this weekend he turned over the command of his ship to the new Captain. His brother Mike also in uniform was a pilot in the Air Force. [caption id="attachment_471" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Craig made it out of the woods... Read more


Posted: Nov 05, 2008

Excerpt: Houston we have a problem I was working on the other side of the resort and was hollered at to grab my camera and come to the playground. I arrived to much head scratching and mutters of oooops! I think new swing posts will be first this spring It was tree demo day at the resort with guests and guest's... Read more

Change in the air

Posted: Nov 07, 2008

Excerpt: This will be the last time we see the sun for a few days. Snow rain and sleet is on the way, typical November weather. Can you feel the change coming? Couple of congratulations To Captain Dave Tungett who is retiring his captainship in the Navy on his ship this weekend. Craig and the rest of the 4th of... Read more

Big Buck

Posted: Nov 04, 2008

Excerpt: What I went through for this picture.. I saw this buck a couple of days ago and did not have the camera along. This morning I spotted him by the garage at Blackwood. He was quietly walking slowly through the woods. I stopped in the worse section of Lower Kaubashine in the curves and pulled over as far as... Read more

Mist Monday Morning

Posted: Nov 03, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_423" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Mists and Clouds today"][/caption] The fog was so thick you could not see across the lake and made it to thick for good pics so I headed inland ... Read more

Yaaaa hooooooooo

Posted: Nov 02, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_406" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Coolest boat to ever cruise Lower Kaubashine"][/caption] For those old Black's Cliff resort folks, the above picture will bring back some of your favorite summer memories. This boat dates back to 1950's when Maynard bought it as the first and only Black's Cliff Ski Boat. It pulled more first time skiers than the Minocqua Bats ever... Read more

Campaign Stop in the Northwoods

Posted: Nov 03, 2008

Excerpt: In a true show of bipartisan cooperation we reached across party lines! Sarah and I will be working after Tuesday to bring the two sides together. Sarah and I both say get out and vote... Read more

Bad Neighbor

Posted: Oct 30, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_388" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="The Victim"][/caption] This black squirrel along with his cousins the gray squirrels would like to lodge a complaint against their very distant cousin the red squirrels. I witnessed the harassment from the kitchen window. The red squirrels were chasing the black and grays and were aiming for their unmentionables. I have heard from 3 different sources... Read more

Happy Halloween

Posted: Oct 30, 2009

Excerpt: Happy Halloween from the snowy Northwoods We had some light snows come in Mixed in with the little color we have left Come on up and enjoy the snow with us before it gets too deep. Our rates drop this weekend to our late fall rates. Cabins start at 135/night for 2 bdrs, Birchwood at 155, Shamrock 170, Kaubashine... Read more


Posted: Nov 01, 2010

Excerpt: I had this beautiful sunrise picture shared with me by Raymond and Sue Koch, who were up earlier than I have been lately. Thanks to them for sharing. Sunrise pics start on Tuesday when school starts back up... Read more

First Snow!

Posted: Oct 27, 2008

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_362" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Woke up this morning to snow on the roof"][/caption] Can you tell from the last 2 posts I ran into a buy on birdhouses? I love this old one, not sure how to attach it to a tree, just might leave it on my deck as a snow gauge [caption id="attachment_363" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Looking up... Read more

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