Big Buck
Posted: Nov 04, 2008

What I went through for this picture.. I saw this buck a couple of days ago and did not have the camera along. This morning I spotted him by the garage at Blackwood. He was quietly walking slowly through the woods. I stopped in the worse section of Lower Kaubashine in the curves and pulled over as far as I could praying there was no car coming or logging truck. Grabbed my purse where the camera was as the deer kept creeping through the woods. Got the camera disentangled from the contents of my purse, and the batteries fell out of the bottom of the camera. Deer keeps creeping and I fumble to get the batteries back in the camera with an eye on the deer and an eye on the blind corner right behind me in the road, listening for the sound of the logging truck. Finally got the camera on and caught these pics. Enjoy

Troy and I counted 8 points on this buck
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