Black's Cliff Blog

Yellow Ball in the Sky Spotted in Hazelhurst...

Posted: Mar 27, 2009

Excerpt: There was a siting of a yellow ball in the sky which we have not seen in about a week. It was quite a contrast to the white stuff that came down last night Cliff thought Spring Break ment spring was here... This does not look like spring Cliff was hoping for a Root Beer Float with his friend... Read more

Relaxing at the lake?

Posted: Mar 26, 2009

Excerpt: After the whirlwind of chainsaws taking down dead birch this winter and crashing into things it is time to haul the logs up the hill. Rule #1 at the resort at the moment, going up the steps don't come up empty handed. Who needs a stairmaster work out just come to Black's Cliff and hike up and down the... Read more

Stable Full

Posted: Mar 24, 2009

Excerpt: Steve was busy over spring break bringing the horse swing recruits back into form He did some reinforcement of the swing joint so the swings do not tilt as much and buck unsuspecting kids off, or is that the best part of the swings that I remember... [caption id="attachment_1197" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Ready for Use"][/caption] Each set lasts 2 years... Read more

Notes to Dan and Rick

Posted: Mar 24, 2009

Excerpt: My blog will not let me comment back to comments so this is the only way I can do it is directly Dan, you and I will have to compare notes on Beale street this summer. It was definitly an experience with 3 kids and grandma on a Friday night. BB Kings was too crowded and loud or we would... Read more

Ice Out Official List

Posted: Mar 25, 2009

Excerpt: Here is the official Ice Out List meet our crazy list of folks that have taken the time to join in the fun April 1st Acelyn Brown entry from Hilltop and tried to bribe Cliff with Rootbeer Floats April 2nd Cathy Brown accomplice to Acelyn April 4th Linda Hoadley enjoying Spring Break and ready to soak up the rays at... Read more

Quite a Night on Beale Street for Cliff

Posted: Mar 21, 2009

Excerpt: Cliff had a little time to kill in Memphis on his way home. He kept a low profile but enjoyed the sights and sounds on Beale street. It was a completely different world than life at the lake. Somebody out there is going to post in whey this theatre is famous in Memphis... I can't remember Definitely the most... Read more

Return to the Lake

Posted: Mar 23, 2009

Excerpt: Got back from Spring Break hoping for no snow to be seen. There were a few banks of snow [caption id="attachment_1192" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Looking Happy"][/caption] Cliff taking his post back Tilting a bit to the left. I don't think Cliff missed much Lake just showing signs of thinning around the edges I will be posting all the Ice Out... Read more

Wilds of Northern Georgia

Posted: Mar 18, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_1166" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="What happened to get Cliff in this predicament"][/caption] Apparently the folks in Fayetteville Tennessee objected to Cliff fishing without a fishing licence in the local city fountain/park. Cliff called some folks (Ellen or was it Elvis) who pulled a few strings and he was let out on bail for good behavior. Cliff quickly beat it... Read more

Penguins to Rubies

Posted: Mar 20, 2009

Excerpt: Cliff took his last day in Chattanooga to hang out with some other ice diving friends of his. He was getting pointers on how to deal with cold water from the best. The penguins of the Tennessee Aquarium where more than happy to give Cliff pointers and lessons. [caption id="attachment_1180" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Last Stop"][/caption] One final stop to see... Read more

Tennessee Dreaming

Posted: Mar 17, 2009

Excerpt: Cliff has always been a big fan of Elvis so it seemed logical that he head in the direction of Memphis on Amtrak. Maybe Cliff will pick up some new hair style ideas and ditch the orange hat Needing wheels to get around the state of the King of Rock and Roll, Cliff stopped in at the friendliest Hertz... Read more

Cliff off on his adventure

Posted: Mar 16, 2009

Excerpt: [caption id="attachment_1152" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="1st stop"][/caption] Cliff heard about the water parks in the Wisconsin Dells and decided it would be a good idea to sharpen up on his swimming skills before taking the plunge. Unfortunately he missed the requirement to shave. He scared a few small children in his speedo and he decided it was time to head out... Read more

Why one photo?

Posted: Mar 13, 2009

Excerpt: Because my finger would freeze to the camera shutter if I tried to take more. I hear that spring is official in one week... Read more

Notes to Cliff and Spring Break

Posted: Mar 15, 2009

Excerpt: Cliff got fan mail from his youngest fan. The 2nd half of the letter particularly got his attention Never hurts to try:) [caption id="attachment_1143" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Very Frozen Lake"][/caption] With the cold week this week the lake is definitly a long way from going out. Due to that fact..... Cliff decided enough was enough and followed the rules and... Read more

Cliff Update and special note to Paul

Posted: Mar 11, 2009

Excerpt: Cliff feeling the storm coming and hunkering down. We are supposed to be getting 4 inches of snow tonight. Spring is on hold for a few days. To cheer Cliff up I emailed his favorite TV personality, Ellen. Will Ellen ever call Cliff? He is waiting....... Lake looking lonely and no melting today The slush from the last few... Read more

Cold Sun and Wind

Posted: Mar 11, 2009

Excerpt: Temps went down below zero with 40 mile per hour winds last night and this morning. Cliff was not enjoying his night on the lake. The sun was rising to warm him up but it was not a warm sun with the wind. I am sure there was no ice melting under Cliff last night. This may be a... Read more

The Sun Came out and so did the Karma

Posted: Mar 08, 2009

Excerpt: The sun came out and drove the bad MoJo away from the resort that seemed to be surrou... Read more

The Sun came out and so did the Good Karma

Posted: Mar 08, 2009

Excerpt: With the warm sun came better Karma in the resort. The flu seems to be ebbing and everyone including this bunny came out of winter dull drums. This rabbit has been spending the winter under the green boats. This is no dumb bunny. 25 feet from its dry home under the boats is the compost pile of the old... Read more

Cliff Update

Posted: Mar 24, 2010

Excerpt: Not much is going on with our buddy Cliff. The lake is frozen solid and he is at his post He is looking like he is ready for the long haul. Atleast he is not covered and buried in snow any longer. Spring is in the air... Read more

Crashing Hard Drive

Posted: Mar 03, 2009

Excerpt: Birchbark Blog and Cliff updates will be a little delayed. My computer crashed and locked up 5 times today. Took it in to the computer guru who tells me my hard drive is hanging on by a thread. My computer has an appointment for TLC tomorrow and may be out til Thursday. Then comes the task for remembering all the... Read more

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