Tennessee Dreaming
Posted: Mar 17, 2009
Northern Wisconsin Activities
Cliff has always been a big fan of Elvis so it seemed logical that he head in the direction of Memphis on Amtrak. Maybe Cliff will pick up some new hair style ideas and ditch the orange hat
Needing wheels to get around the state of the King of Rock and Roll, Cliff stopped in at the friendliest Hertz dealership in Memphis. After trying to fit in the smallest car they had with all his luggage they friendly folks at Hertz outfitted Cliff in a better fitting vehicle and sent him down the road. I think Cliff was making some of their other customers nervous, he heard people muttering something about The King being in disguise under all that hair.... Before the National Enquirer showed up Cliff headed down the road with all 4 wheels on the ground
Only living with Troy the bird encyclopedia would Cliff know this bird as a Mocking Bird. Something we never see in the Northwoods
Cliff enjoying the sights along the Tennessee river. He decided to take a route 66 type road trip on hwy 64. keep an eye on the News reports for sightings of Cliff aka The King in Disguise.. Where to next.....

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