Happenings this last Weekend
Posted: Mar 31, 2009
Northern Wisconsin Activities
With 4 inches of snow coming in today I decided to go to my mail box for pics I refuse to post any pics of the outside today I am done with snow. These pics were sent in by Rob Moore who was watching the resort for us this weekend along with Bob and Barb.
What does this picture mean.. Outline of a missing mini van and a pouting dog in the driveway..... Poe literally sits in the driveway when we leave and gazes down the road waiting for the sound of the mini van coming home. It is truely pathetic but a commen sight at the resort. This time he snapped out of it after a day and headed over to see Barb, Bob and Rob who were up watching the resort for us while we took our final weekend trip away before the spring clean up and summer chaos locks us in
Bob was taking his resort watching job seriously and went down to check out Cliff and bring up a log from the beach... Don't strain yourself Bob
Rob caught this great pic of a Pileated Woodpecker who was rooting around on the hillside for something.
Thanks for the great pics and watching the place Bob, Barb and Rob. Poe would like to thank Barb for his Fillet Migon dog snacks this weekend. He has had a lot of snacks but never Fillet Migon
Looking for something to do this weekend? I have plenty of cabins open (ok right now not a single reservation). Cabins will be 100/night. The Fools Run at Midnight is going on and rumor has it half of the Black Family is running the 5k. Last I saw Bryon was designing the crown for the winning Fools. I guess it is quite a sight to see with people with head lamps dressed goofy running through the streets of Minocqua on Saturday at Midnight. Free T Shirt for anyone who is foolish enough to run. www.minocqua.org has all the info on this event if you are interested

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