Black's Cliff Blog

The Many Faces of Cliff

Posted: May 23, 2009

Excerpt: Memorial Day Weekend has arrived along with a few of the Ice Out 2009 runners up. The prize for the runners up is a 5 dollar token to Hilltop's Rathskellar. Cliff came out to make an appearance to deliver a couple fo the tokens Cliff sneaking up on an unsuspecting winner Marie Voight (better known as Oma) receiving her... Read more

Launching the raft 2.0

Posted: May 21, 2009

Excerpt: I heard the engines firing up down at the beach as I was heading out with a bucket of paint. Rob my guest photographer thankfully took a minute to capture the launching of the Raft version 2.0. The raft broke loose from its first anchor last week and has spent a week anchored down at Holiday and Norway til... Read more

Swim Docks final touches

Posted: May 18, 2009

Excerpt: [gallery] Ok it is busy time of year so I just inserted the last pics of putting in the big swim docks. The swimming area is looking like summer minus the raft that is still floating down at Holiday or Norway and the big pontoon that is in for a new paint job. Hopefully all make it for Memorial Day... Read more

Guest Photographer

Posted: May 20, 2009

Excerpt: I have been so busy with painting this week it was nice to have Rob Moore up at the resort. When he is here I am always gaurantteed some beautiful pics for the blog. So today's pics are all thanks to Rob! Kudos Rob. I loaded the pic above bigger than normal for all the screen saver gurus out... Read more

Memorial Day Openings and National Geo Bee

Posted: May 20, 2009

Excerpt: I have 3 cabins left for Memorial Day Weekend, Shamrock, Norway and Bear Den. They are 3 and 4 bdrs, I will book them to smaller groups for the same price as a 2bdr. So if you need to get out of town this weekend give a call. Weather says it should be beautiful highs in the lower 70's If... Read more

Dock Engineering

Posted: May 12, 2009

Excerpt: Warm spring day a new pair of wadders and that means time for the white dock to go in Straight nails are a must Craig with the new wadders using all his engineering skills and experience to get the dock in. Few foul words about large rocks in the way and all went in. You know even though neither... Read more

One of these things just doesn't belong

Posted: May 14, 2009

Excerpt: One of these things just doesn't belong in this picture. Identify which docks these are and you have the answer.... Paul I think has a pretty good idea what happened since he has first hand knowledge of the situtation Missing picture is Troy and Steve towing the raft out to its home location out from the swim docks in... Read more

Cold Day in Da Nort Woods

Posted: May 16, 2009

Excerpt: It is a cold day in the Da Nort woods not fit for fishermen or guinea pigs to be outside. Type of day for book work and paying bills. Junior has been put in charge of the desk work and reservations while we all take a day and go up to The Waters to jump in the pool. Of... Read more

Pontooning adventure.. what is that smell?

Posted: May 09, 2009

Excerpt: What is the difference between The Hilton and Black's Cliff.... At the Hilton they pretend that everything works and is completely clean nobody pees in the pool, TV reception is always perfect, nobody drops trees and hits things and for heavens sake they don't put it on their website. Ohhh and I almost forgot they have Paris with her... Read more

First Fishing Trip

Posted: May 11, 2009

Excerpt: Our first big fishing trip. Troy had to pull out the big net for this one. Somebody else caught this one.... Fishing was a little slow, we were after crappie and whatever bass were to be found. The bass season does not open til 3rd weekend in June so this one was thrown back til later. The lilly pads... Read more

Loons Loons and more Loons

Posted: May 05, 2009

Excerpt: I took these pictures from our beach. The loons were fishing right in front of the resort. They could have cared less that I was there. Enjoy and grab a cup of coffee insert sound of loons If you look at the back of the loon I think you can see one of the leg bands on this loon. Our... Read more

Cache in Trash Out

Posted: May 08, 2009

Excerpt: Geo Cachers have a motto, cache in and trash out. Translation as you are traveling to a geo cache grab any trash you see on the way to clean up the place you are Last weekend every cacher was asked to do this and here is an article from Wausau Daily Harold about Geo Cachers doign their part Read more

Back Porch Visitor Returns

Posted: May 06, 2009

Excerpt: 3:30 am this morning we heard the garbage cans go bang, bang..... We shot out of bed to see what we would see and what to our eyes should appear...... The biggest Black Bear ever with his hands in our sunflower seeds. Of course the camera chose that moment to have the flash not work.. Where was the 2nd... Read more

Caching in Boulder part 2

Posted: May 04, 2009

Excerpt: Our 2nd cache adventure took our new family mini van down roads(snowmobile trails) that it was not ment for. We carefully took negotiated the ruts over a mile into the woods to our destination. I knew this one was going to be neat due to the history involved. Below is a picture of where we were headed Originally from... Read more

Cedar Falls Fish Spawning

Posted: May 09, 2011

Excerpt: Time to head to Cedar Falls 10 minutes from the resort to see the fish spawning in the water fall. This is a yearly ritual for many locals in Hazelhurst who remember going to the water fall with their parents and grantparents, bringing along a picnic lunch and enjoying an afternoon of fish jumping and kids screaming and hopefully... Read more

Caching in Boulder Part 1

Posted: May 03, 2009

Excerpt: We headed over to Boulder Junction for some Geo Caching. Boulder along with St Germaine, and Rhinelander each put out 5 new caches each year for cachers to go find. If you find 12 out of 15 of them you are entered in a drawing for prizes. After doing this contest for 3 years the 3 towns really have... Read more

Docks, docks and more docks

Posted: Apr 30, 2009

Excerpt: New pier for Kaubashine being floated over. Why does the old pier need replacement see the winter blog and see the tree on top of the old pier. Where is the person who destroyed the old pier and is not helping to fix it..... hmmm in an RV headed north I believe This may look like a hard job... Read more

Golfing Coupons

Posted: May 02, 2009

Excerpt: I have golfing coupons I sometimes forget to pass out. If you are going golfing make sure to ask for any of these coupons from me Timber Ridge 20% off Pinewood 20% off Trout Lake 10 dollars off 18 holes or 5 dollars off 9 holes I have a few neighbors who check out the blog and if you want... Read more

Just another day at the office

Posted: Apr 28, 2009

Excerpt: Railroad ties where the project of the day After 40 years they do have to be replaced. The stairwell at Red Pine got some much needed TLC One more fix it item off the list. Problem is more has been added Photo credits go to Troy for agreeing to take the camera down to Red Pine andn more importantly... Read more

Springing Docks and Leaks

Posted: Apr 29, 2009

Excerpt: Time for a little dock work with the temps soaring to a balmy 60 degrees You know it is not time to pull out the bathing suits when Troy is wearing a winter hat along with the wadders Olja enjoying the show from the sidelines. This picture is why I take pictures and do not have wadders on Who... Read more

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