Cold Day in Da Nort Woods

Posted: May 16, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
It is a cold day in the Da Nort woods not fit for fishermen or guinea pigs to be outside. Type of day for book work and paying bills. Junior has been put in charge of the desk work and reservations while we all take a day and go up to The Waters to jump in the pool. Of course today is the day the Azailia bush chooses to bloom how long will the blooms last, it is 39 degrees, going down to 27 tonight. It snowed at 9 am but I did not have the heart to take pic of the snow blowing across the lake with white caps in a 40 mile wind. It is not a day to move the raft. Eagles Nest had its water turned on for spring cleaning 2 days ago, tonight we will be leaving the water dripping and the heat up. I am sure the Grady's would not mind broken water lines next weekend.
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