Guest Photographer

Posted: May 20, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
I have been so busy with painting this week it was nice to have Rob Moore up at the resort. When he is here I am always gaurantteed some beautiful pics for the blog. So today's pics are all thanks to Rob! Kudos Rob. I loaded the pic above bigger than normal for all the screen saver gurus out there Rob and Doug fished for 3 days. I heard the perch were biting big time. They also thought they saw 2 pairs of loons on the lake which would explain all the hooting and hollering I heard as I was varnishing Norway yesterday. Rob caught this picture back in the bay showing our usual pair nesting This is my favorite pic, as Rob caught something I never have. Do you see the bird in this picture taken by the boat docks I never would have thought of looking for an owl in the middle of the day. I forgot to ask Troy before I left what kind of owl this is, I am sure out in blog land there is an owl identifier. Thanks again Rob
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