Black's Cliff Blog

Playing In The Snow

Posted: Jan 11, 2010

Excerpt: Winter is in full swing in the northwoods Lots of fun is being had in the snow and made into snow We have a big storm coming in Monday calling for about a foot of snow. That should make it the best conditions of the witner So far we are 1/2 full for the January 27th weekend so give... Read more

More from Yester-Year

Posted: Jan 07, 2010

Excerpt: I went out to see what the guys were up to and saw Steve's Jetta up on the blocks. This car has over 300,000 miles and Steve prides himself in being able to keep it going. Although the noise it has been making lately has been enough to wake the dead All I saw were 2 legs sticking out... Read more

The Trip to Nowhere

Posted: Jan 10, 2010

Excerpt: Ted and Mark arrived this week to help with getting the summer wood supply split up. They had a harrowing trip from Washington DC mid week with the big storm. Numerous delays at Dulles, OHare... all flights from O'Hare to Wausau canceled... rented car driven through 6 hours of a driving snowstorm to arrive in nowhere. This was Mark's... Read more

Enjoying the frozen lake

Posted: Jan 04, 2010

Excerpt: Cold Christmas break day on Lower Kaubashine. What to do? Enjoy the skating rink while it lasts The best way to skate. Lake skates, cross country ski boots clipped into a ski binding on a blade. Feet are warm and comfortable. Not a pinched toe or blister ever!! My idea of skating While we were getting ready to do... Read more

Trip back to yester-year

Posted: Jan 05, 2010

Excerpt: No inspiring pictures today, so I headed into the old pictures folder for those of you who like these old pics. This one is of Maynard with his pet deer Susie Loving this old car. What I would not give to have it to drive to town on errands This car is not bad either. Maynard in the front... Read more

Happy New Year from Lower Kaubashine

Posted: Jan 01, 2010

Excerpt: We spent our New Year out at Squirrel Hill (Winter Park) sledding down the big hill. They open the hill up for sledding one night only all year and we all went to enjoy it. Half of Minocqua was there with us shivering and slidding. Fun night. We were going to head to Camp 10 for some down hill... Read more

Skiers, Snowmobiliers and Snowball fighters

Posted: Dec 25, 2009

Excerpt: We did get a little rain on top of our snow this morning. It has been light and we are supposed to get cold and snow on top of it this afternoon and evening. X Country trails should be fine and dandy. They will be grooming and when the cold comes in the conditons should be great. I am sure... Read more


Posted: Dec 26, 2009

Excerpt: It took me 20 minutes to chisel my car out of the ice, sleet, rain and snow that was encrusted on the windshield. Even after all that I did not have it all off the hood and side windows. I chanced it up to Moto Mart for coffee this morning. Steve was still closed for the holidays at Lifespring... Read more

Poe's Snow Report

Posted: Dec 27, 2009

Excerpt: Poe would like to report that light snow is falling in the Northwoods. It has been a light and steady snowfall that has covered the ground. Conditions look great for heading off and playing in the woods or digging through the snow to hide a pig's ear For those who can not get enough of the snow falling on... Read more

Merry Christmas from the Gibson's and Black's

Posted: Dec 25, 2009

Excerpt: Merry Christmas from our family to yours. The great Christmas storm of 2009 hit and we spent the day plowing and shoveling out. We got about 7 inches or so new snow on top of what we already had. We did receive over night some sleet/rain but not enough to damage the snow we have. The trails in the... Read more

Grandma Millie's Answer to Family at Christmas

Posted: Dec 24, 2009

Excerpt: Grandma Millie used to serve these lovely green cookies. I never understood why anyone liked them until I tried them as an adult this year. Taking a bit of them and having the Creme De Menthe is guaranteed to take the edge off any family Christmas. Just hand them a few Creme De Menthe Bon, Bons and see them all... Read more

Exporting Figured Out!!

Posted: Dec 18, 2009

Excerpt: Yes!! The Mac and the blog are talking in unison!!! I have found my picture files and have Iphoto and exporting to files figured out!! I will work on the size of pics next. Snow on the ground. I have seen ice fishermen out and the local elementary school has a parking lot full of snowmobiles from the 12... Read more

Snow and Wood

Posted: Dec 20, 2009

Excerpt: How much snow do we have? Enough, to need a sled to move a big chunk of snow for a snow fort Snow formations coming off the roof Next summer's pine wood for firepits waiting to be chopped The start of a pile for resort wood for Ted and Mark in January Steve and Troy have made a dent... Read more

Bring a stick and a puck

Posted: Dec 22, 2009

Excerpt: Woods looking full of snow and tracks in the snow What were the tracks in the snow? No idea, pretty sure they were not Poe looking for a place to use I think this pic depicts the amount of snow in the woods pretty good. Not a ton but plenty to play in. The storm at the end of... Read more

New Snow piling up

Posted: Dec 14, 2009

Excerpt: My favorite pic of the day. We got an additional 5 inches of snow last night and this morning. The trees were loaded and it was beautiful to look out off the hill at the snow still coming down through the pines. Good news is our problems with our plow truck are on the way to being fixed. Truck... Read more

2010 Calendar

Posted: Dec 14, 2009

Excerpt: The Black's Cliff 2010 Calendar can still be ordered in time for Christmas. It is 25 % off this week. They are regularly 19.99 plus shipping and handling through Walgreens. If you are interested give me a call with your credit card. I can make this order anytime even into January as I do it on an individual basis... Read more

PC to Mac

Posted: Dec 17, 2009

Excerpt: I warned ya, the conversion and swearing has commenced. I do like the new Mac, just figuring out all the bells and whistles plus Christmas Shopping and getting cabins ready for Christmas has been a challenge. I will have more time tomorrow, Thursday, to figure out my pictures on to the Mac to do some uploads. In the end the... Read more

One Ugly Boot

Posted: Dec 17, 2009

Excerpt: Ok, laugh all you want... why a picture of a boot and nothing else? I took 4 pics this morning this being one of them to experiment with loading on to the Mac, editing, figuring out what folder they were in on the Mac, resizing them for the blog, and finally uploading them. Somewhere in the exporting of them... Read more

Storm hits

Posted: Dec 09, 2009

Excerpt: The first half of the big storm came through. Public Enemy number one ventured out to my bird feeders this morning between the continuing snowflakes Muskie Inn pelted in snow Forgot to put my loon in the garden away and it got buried in the snow. Looking a little pathetic this morning My birdhouse snow report. Under the drift... Read more

Interesting Read

Posted: Dec 10, 2009

Excerpt: You should know better when things are going along well there is always a snafoo waiting in wings. Big storm caused us all to stay in yesterday and get things done like end of the year books, christmas presents ordered on line and a batch of Christmas cookies with bored kids. Today was to be the clean up day behind... Read more

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