Happy New Year from Lower Kaubashine

Posted: Jan 01, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
DSC05065 We spent our New Year out at Squirrel Hill (Winter Park) sledding down the big hill. They open the hill up for sledding one night only all year and we all went to enjoy it. Half of Minocqua was there with us shivering and slidding. Fun night. We were going to head to Camp 10 for some down hill skiing for New Years day but a few things got in the way and we ended up canceling. Instead we spent the morning finding hoses, hooking them up and putting them down the hill to flood the skating rink. Our rink had been hit with the slush/ rain and sleety snow that ruined the top of it. After careful consultation with the grand pooba (Craig) we decided to try hooking up hoses over cutting a hole in the ice and using a sub pump. After having one hose freeze up a few choice words said by Troy, we got it going DSC05068 Wind Chills at minus 10 and we were standing in the middle of the lake with a hose and cold water. Ever wonder why they created indoor rinks and Zamboni's wonder no longer I have the answer DSC05070 little by little, the rink got a fresh coat of water. Trading off every 15 minutes for hot chocolate breaks we got it done in an hour and a half. DSC05077 Just another day at the office. Ice is not perfect but it is ready for some hockey games again. It will not last all winter as the labor to keep it going we only have til school starts again. Happy New Year from the middle of a cold Lower Kaubashine
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