New Snow piling up

Posted: Dec 14, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
DSC04898 My favorite pic of the day. We got an additional 5 inches of snow last night and this morning. The trees were loaded and it was beautiful to look out off the hill at the snow still coming down through the pines. Good news is our problems with our plow truck are on the way to being fixed. Truck has a new exhaust system which was planned for maintence. The plow on the other hand is a different story. Troy and Steve spent an entire day last week getting the plow off the truck and up to the shop. We are at the mercy of the mechanic at the plow shop who is swamped at the moment. Good thing the folks coming today have 4 wheel drive, as it is going to be a few days yet before the resort gets plowed out. Maybe we can bribe him with Christmas cookies or cranberry bread DSC04897 DSC04895 Digging out the old fashioned way. Between last week and this weeks storm snow is definitely pilling up. I had skiers out at Winter Park last weekend reporting good conditions. Vilas County snowmobile trails open on Wednesday and Oneida's trails open on Thursday. Looks like it will be a good Christmas to New Years conditions for playing in the snow. I also saw my first crazy Ice Fishermen on Lake Katherine this last weekend DSC04896 More pics off the hill DSC04894 Bows and Bells are up now if we could just get the driveway plowed we will be ready for Christmas
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