Black's Cliff Blog

Baby Snapping Turtle

Posted: Jul 09, 2011

Excerpt: Julia and her Aunt Mandy came by with this little guy in there hands. It is a baby snapping turtle. You can tell by the high ridge on its back. They grow quite big and you would never think of picking up and adult like this Thanks Julia and Amanda for sharing your find. Everyone will be happy to... Read more

What is that!!!

Posted: Jul 09, 2011

Excerpt: I went to download the pictures off my camera and found these gems amongst my 4th of July pictures. Apparently I was not paying attention to what the kids were doing or where my camera was. The bear in the front yard was taking on a new look Run! Aunt Jenny will never know what we did to the... Read more

Dialing in to the Crappies

Posted: Jul 06, 2011

Excerpt: Yep the crappies are biting. Mr Tungett has dialed into them and has hit the honey hole of crappies... Read more

Heather and Eric Vacation

Posted: Jul 08, 2011

Excerpt: Eric and Heather shared their vacation pics with me. They had fun catching the loons in action I was still in bed and heard a ruckus with the loons at about 6am luckily Eric and Heather were up and caught this picture while I was still in bed and not getting up. Glad they caught this gaggle of loons... Read more

Get Out of the Way! Landing Strip

Posted: Jul 08, 2011

Excerpt: The following pictures were all taken by Will Flower. Will Flower was driving his ski boat ,taking pictures, taking skiers and dodging a seaplane at the same. time. This seaplane landed a took off about 10 times over the course of about 2 hours. Everyone on the lake, except for Will headed for the hills to get out of... Read more

Soaking in the lake

Posted: Jul 02, 2011

Excerpt: With temps soaring into the 90's and due points putting us over 100 it was time to try walking on water Or floating with your favorite friend Or seeing how many you could get on the raft Potoon boat ride in the breeze dipping a toe in the lake for the first time Or just having fun with family... Read more


Posted: Jul 04, 2011

Excerpt: I saw a bit of a long face arrive on Saturday. Kelsey loved old Poe and she was not sure if she would like Mack. Kelsey does not do change well. We solved that problem with a box of dog treats. Mack now loves Kelsey and Kelsey thinks he is almost as great as Poe Nothing like a box... Read more

Welcome to the Neighborhood

Posted: Jun 30, 2011

Excerpt: We had a welcome to the lake party this week. Kim and Will Flower bought Hunter's house, also known as "The Wagon Wheel House", "The Rock House" depending on if you were looking at it from the road or the lake. Welcome to Lower Kaubashine Kim and Will What is a party without some great food? Michele Tungett brought... Read more

Rafting with Hawk's Nest

Posted: Jul 01, 2011

Excerpt: It was a little bit of a smaller group this year that went rafting with Hawk's Nest Outfitters. But they all had fun. Rafting with Hawk's Nest is always a good time big or small group as you will see from the pictures below Michele staying dry and stylish for now.. what form of shoes did Michele choose to... Read more

Here Fishy, fishy, fishy

Posted: Jun 30, 2011

Excerpt: Yep da fishy, fishies are biting Nice string of fish Nice perch. I will have to charge Rich extra for catching fish this week... Read more

A whole lot of nothing

Posted: Jun 28, 2011

Excerpt: What was going on at the lake today... A whole lot of nothing and a lot of people enjoying doing a whole lot of nothing A whole lot of people enjoying the new beach chairs doing a whole lot of nothing. Sue giving her opinion of the new beach chairs. Never fear, green beach rockers the green bouncy, rocking... Read more

Rhubarb Crumble

Posted: Jun 23, 2011

Excerpt: After numerous tries I have finally got some descent Rhubarb to grow. I have been afraid to pick it this year that it is not big enough to pick and am hoping next year it gets even bigger and pickable My other 2 plants that came back this year as well. I treated them to mushroom compost last year... Read more


Posted: Jun 26, 2011

Excerpt: It is always interesting to see how vehicles arrive packed to the gills. Tom Hixson's suburban put a new meaning to packed to the top. There is not room for one more thing in this vehicle. Keep in mind this is only for 2 people and the kids are bringing their own stuff later in the week. Where is... Read more


Posted: Jun 26, 2011

Excerpt: Billy Borger has been coming up to Lower Kaubashine more years than he would like me to broadcast. Every year he manages to get a nice muskie like this and always looks like a kid in the candy shop. Congrats Billy. Sure made a rainy cold week worth while. Billy Borger, Muskie Hunter of Lower Kaubashine... Read more

Candles, Gogo's and Pretty in Pink

Posted: Jun 27, 2011

Excerpt: It was the traditional vacation birthday party for Gloria and Melanie. Every year they start out their vacation blowing out candles. This year it was chocolate cake and cheese cake Out on the porch the Gogo party started up where it was left off this winter. Sarah was the queen of the Gogo's ready to teach Matt and Matt... Read more

Where is the Ark?

Posted: Jun 22, 2011

Excerpt: It has been raining... and raining and raining....and your guessed it raining... Anyone coming next week owes it to the folks this week who have not seen the sun since they arrived. Rumor has it that the sun might make an appearance on Friday with a balmy 60 degrees. Saturday and all of next week looks like sun and... Read more

Dedicated to Rich

Posted: Jun 22, 2011

Excerpt: This blog entry is dedicated to Rich Snodgrass who is sitting impatiently in Rochester Illinois waiting to arrive on Saturday. It is also dedicated to Gloria who has put up with Rich starting to pack back in May in preparation for their trip this coming week. Birchwood will be ready Your boat will be ready... the fish... well they... Read more

Black and White

Posted: Jun 19, 2011

Excerpt: There was a whole lot of chaos going on at the lake. Sometimes it is fun to play with a picture and turn it into a black and white in your photo program. I don't take the time to do this near enough, but I thought this picture was a fun one to turn Chicken Little has been pushed... Read more

Drip Drip drip...

Posted: Jun 21, 2011

Excerpt: The rain has been going on since Saturday night. We are starting to wonder what the sun looks like. Boat bailing has become a passtime between rain storms Fortunately the fish have been biting as well. Jeff Taylor and his son catching some bluegills off the dock. Jeff gave me a nice compliment, he has been blog watching since... Read more

Travels around town

Posted: Jun 16, 2011

Excerpt: Local resorts owners were invited downtown for a Taste of the Island before the season really gets started. We were treated by some of my favorite local businesses. Twisted Root Emporium and Loon Land was the first stop The ever friendly and shoeless Woody Woodruff greeted us as usual to see his unique wares that can't be found anywhere... Read more

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