Rhubarb Crumble

Posted: Jun 23, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
After numerous tries I have finally got some descent Rhubarb to grow. I have been afraid to pick it this year that it is not big enough to pick and am hoping next year it gets even bigger and pickable My other 2 plants that came back this year as well. I treated them to mushroom compost last year and this spring and seem to have made them happy. If you are like my inlaws and best friend who both have huge patches of Rhubarb, I am in envy. Many folks though have no idea what to do with it or don't appreciate it. We have done everything from making rhubarb sauce to making rhubarb icecream (I do not recommend the last one) By far our favorite is Rhubarb Crisp that my mother inlaw makes Here is is before going in the oven I doubled the below recipie and used a 9 by 13 pan Grandma Gibson's Rhubarb Crumble Arrange 3 cups diced Rubarb in 8 by 8 by 2 pan Sprinkle with 2TBsp Orange Juice 3/4 cup Sugar 1/4 tsp Cinnamon Dot with 1 Tbsp butter Combine 1/4 cup melted shortening or oil 1/3 cup brown sugar Sift together: 2/3 cup flour 1/8 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking soda Mix with 2/3 cups quick cookting oatmeal. Blend with Brown sugar mixutre, Spread overn rubarb. Bake at 350 for 40 min. Serve with whip cream if you want Give it a try if you have access to glorious rhubarb! and appreicate it For those who do not appreciate rhubarb (no idea what you are missing) here are the loons this afternoon floating around. If you are not a appreciator of Rhubarb but posses lots of it in your yard, bring it along on your next trip to the Northwoods and get a big hug from me and the rest of the family. Ok maybe not Jake.... maybe not Troy... Grant is rolling his eyes and Ben is running away so I guess you will get one from me and maybe some Crumble if you are nice Wish I had his one in higher definition and closer but this was the best my telephoto could do and the loons were no cooperating swimming closer
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