Candles, Gogo's and Pretty in Pink

Posted: Jun 27, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
It was the traditional vacation birthday party for Gloria and Melanie. Every year they start out their vacation blowing out candles. This year it was chocolate cake and cheese cake Out on the porch the Gogo party started up where it was left off this winter. Sarah was the queen of the Gogo's ready to teach Matt and Matt What are Gogo's? You pick out your army and stand them up. You have gogo's that are better for flicking and knocking over your opponents gogo's. The goal is to knock over your opponents gogo's before they knock over yours by flicking them one at a time Sarah demonstrating her Gogo mastery Kate giving her own spin on taking on the young frau at their own game While watching the Gogo game, I had to appreciate that the fishing stuff was all set up for Rich to head out fishing.. everything looks ready for go, hat, coat... and then something that just does not look like it belongs.... something pink and frilly... Rich was only too proud to demonstrate his new fishing pole. He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his favorite grand fishing daughter Amelia. Grandpa is ready to help you catch your first fish! pink pole and all
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