Black's Cliff Blog

Peaks of Color and 4,200 mile trip home

Posted: Sep 23, 2011

Excerpt: Peaks of color can be seen through the woods. I almost enjoy this more than full color. Seeing brilliant color stand out amongst the green. Full color is not far away, I am guessing with in the week things are going to dramatically change. Til then I am enjoying peaks of color Looking up the hill at Kaubashine and... Read more

Vrooom Vroooom

Posted: Sep 19, 2011

Excerpt: Biker Weekend. It was the Tomahawk Rally in Tomahawks this weekend for MDA. Thousands and Thousands of bikes take over the roads and side roads for the weekend as the Northwoods rumbled. We had about 30 bikes in the resort mixed in with everyone else. 9 of those bikes were at Muskie Inn. Lots of good times were had... Read more

Public Enemy Number 1

Posted: Sep 21, 2011

Excerpt: Couple of weeks ago Troy and I got the itch to plant some apple trees. This was brought on by a sale at Stoney Creek for 40 percent off trees. We spent an afternoon planting and protecting them with fence.. It worked for a week.. and then... The tree mangler arrived. One of my trees was decimated limbs ripped... Read more

Eyes from the Trees

Posted: Sep 17, 2011

Excerpt: The Cikowski family shared a few of their photos with me this week. They never fail to catch a few muskies. Al landed this 34 incher and had the scares on his hands to prove it. Jimmy caught a 24 incher but I could not get that picture to upload. There best pictures are not of fish this time... Read more

Cold but good food

Posted: Sep 15, 2011

Excerpt: With snow crystal sleet coming down, Jimmy and Al were making dinner. Could not believe we all saw crystals in the sleet, but it sure was cold, but dinner looked good Someone else was not leaving Kaubashine anytime soon snow/sleet or no snow/sleet... Read more

Pics for Paul

Posted: Sep 15, 2011

Excerpt: For those of you that need a new screen saver the lake mists were back this morning Hey Paul Zaremba I thought of you when I took these pictures ... Read more


Posted: Sep 12, 2011

Excerpt: Bluegills that swallow the hook become dinner I found Mike and Ruth enjoying the warm temps and filleting a few fish that could not be released. Mike had his handy dandy electric knife making quick fillets Nothing like a electric knife to make life easier in filleting little bluegills Ruth was doing her part cutting out the stomach and... Read more

And the Winners are....

Posted: Sep 12, 2011

Excerpt: The correct answer to the number of logger cords delivered to the resort on the big truck was 15 logger cords. How much does a logger cord cost that would be 75 dollars a cord for popple it is more for pine and hardwood So the winners are a tie between Steve and Don. Send me your addresses to my... Read more

Steve's World

Posted: Sep 14, 2011

Excerpt: What is Steve up to lately... he has been recruited to the cleaning crew and cleaning a few to many bathrooms. Today was the first break in cleaning for awhile and I think he had been sniffing a bit to much toilet cleaner. There was a gleam in his eye as he escaped bathroom duty and took on this... Read more

We Remember

Posted: Sep 11, 2011

Excerpt: We remember dropping Jake off for 1st grade and on the way home hearing on the radio that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. Arriving home to a quiet resort filled with people who had not turned on their TV's that morning and were sleeping in. Walking in to see New York on... Read more

Logger Cord's Contest

Posted: Sep 11, 2011

Excerpt: So far I have 4 entries. I will wait til Monday at noon to announce the winner. So make your guess by then to get a chance to win. See the entry from Saturday for details and get your entry in the comment section... Read more

Pictures for Ted and a Contest!!

Posted: Sep 10, 2011

Excerpt: We had small hole in our wood supply open up, just enough for a truck load of wood. Double trailer of popple. Enough to keep Ted and Mark busy for awhile although the size of the wood is a little small, no wood splitter needed, one smack on the maul ought to do it Unloaded very quickly. Here is... Read more

Job Notice

Posted: Sep 08, 2011

Excerpt: 5 cabins to clean this morning, no misty lake.. no backlog of pictures to post.. so you get just one looking off the hill this morning. If someone knows where I can hire the mice from Cinderella that like to clean cabins and whistle while they work.... hmm whistling I think was the dwarves. I am not picky mice... Read more

Happy 50th Mike

Posted: Sep 09, 2011

Excerpt: If you are going to turn 50 (we all have to, no turning back) how to do it? If you are like Mike you head to the Northwoods and have a perfect day. You start it out with a homemade card from your wife, a lick from the dog and a trip to Paul Bunyans to be serenaded by... Read more

Good Pizza and Burgers

Posted: Sep 09, 2011

Excerpt: Troy and I headed to Hazelhurst for lunch at the buger joint that has gone through many hands. It has now being run by the orginal owners of the building and I hope the succeed with it We tried their Alexander Pizza and I have to admit I was too hungary to take a picture before half of it... Read more

Happy Birthday Savanah

Posted: Sep 06, 2011

Excerpt: Labor Day Weekend means one thing, time for Savanah's birthday party. Each year she gets to celebrate her birthday with her entire family. A few years ago there was the famous pink monkey party. This year it was a pinta party It was quite a gathering with the rain drops between Birchwood and Muskie What is a birthday without... Read more

Misty Lake Pics

Posted: Oct 10, 2016

Excerpt: Beautiful morning at the lake with the lake mists and the colors There were some fishermen appearing out of the mists What a peaceful way to fish I don't know if these fishermen knew the paparazzi was taking pictures from the shore This last picture was shared with me by Annette who was at the lake at a different... Read more

German Stars

Posted: Sep 07, 2011

Excerpt: I stopped into to Wigwam to a cheery fire going on and a lesson in making German Stars. Marie on the right is originally from Germany and was sharing a little of the traditions of Germany Gail working on her correct folds It was quite a work of art However I know the real reason they were laughing and... Read more

I Phone Sunset

Posted: Sep 02, 2011

Excerpt: Cameras on I Phones have come a long way. Driving home last night the sunset was amazing but all I had was my trusty Iphone 4. I think it did pretty good enjoy ... Read more

Seeing the Northwoods through Akiko's Camera lens

Posted: Sep 04, 2011

Excerpt: It is always fun to have a guest photographer and see the world through their eyes or lens. Richard and Akiko Teng shared their vacation up north with me in pictures. Above was a beautiful day to head up hwy 51 Arriving at Wildflower their home away from home Checking out the lake for the first time First night... Read more

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