Peaks of Color and 4,200 mile trip home

Posted: Sep 23, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
Peaks of color can be seen through the woods. I almost enjoy this more than full color. Seeing brilliant color stand out amongst the green. Full color is not far away, I am guessing with in the week things are going to dramatically change. Til then I am enjoying peaks of color Looking up the hill at Kaubashine and Shamrock you can feel the change coming In other news, 4 years ago while we were at the Grand Canyon we released 3 Geo Coins that were tracked by through their registration numbers. We named the 3 coins after our 3 guinea pigs at the time and were going to have a race and see which one made it back to Hazelhurst first. 2 years ago the first coin returned, which was Hoover's coin. The 2nd coin was returned to us yesterday after logging in 4200 miles on its return trip from Arizona by Connie and Max pictured above. They are fellow geocachers from Rhinelander who spotted our coin in a Crandon geo cache and decided to give it a lift home. Sadly the guinea pig it was named after Oreo passed away 2 months ago. We were still thrilled to see the coin return and meet Connie and Max and exchange a few geocaching stories. I had briefly meet them this summer when we were geo caching the islands of lake Nakomis to the infamous Ant Island cache and bumped into them at the boat landing as we were returning and they were heading out on their adventure Luigi Junior, named after you guessed it Luigi who's coin was the 3rd one that went missing shortly after we left it in Arizona and also died shortly there after, was happy to stand in for Oreo and accept the coin. It has been fun to watch the coins travel back to Wisconsin. Thanks to Connie and Max for taking the time to pick up the coin and return it. Geo Cachers are always great people to meet
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