Black's Cliff Blog


Posted: Mar 25, 2012

Excerpt: I had these interesting sequence of pictures sent to me by Rob Moore who took them 2 weekends ago when he was at the resort. I like the natural camo they show. Above I believe is a moth amongst the leaves Chickadee blending in to the Birchtree Thanks for sharing Rob!! see you in May... Read more

Thanks Ellen and Jim!

Posted: Mar 27, 2012

Excerpt: Last weekend Jim and Ellen Eberle watched the resort for us, so we could get together with our friends for a college reunion for UW River Falls where we both graduated from. Ellen snapped these great pics while enjoying a spring weekend in the Northwoods. They had to recover from the fact that Paul Bunyans is not open yet... Read more

Swimming in March

Posted: Mar 22, 2012

Excerpt: March 21 6:30 pm Ben would like everyone to k now he was the first in the lake. I do not remember anyone jumping in the lake in March besides Cliff til now. Knocking the icicles off he said now he can wait til atleast Memorial Day weekend for his next swim... Read more

Cliff at 6pm Monday March 19th

Posted: Mar 19, 2012

Excerpt: Cliff getting closer and closer to the edge of the ice. Ice getting darker and darker Warm wind all day had the ice starting to break off in icebergs headed towards the shore Docks free of ice. But question is will they be smashed into by breaking away ice flows? Will Cliff survive tomorrow? I will post the ice... Read more

Welcome to the World

Posted: Mar 20, 2012

Excerpt: Bonnie and Dave Black welcomed Craig Jackson Black to the family yesterday. Dave and Bonnie are part of the Eastern Black family. It will be interesting to see little Craig grown up and see if he lives up to his name sake, Uncle Craig. Can't wait to meet him this summer along with his big sister... Read more

Ice Out 2012 Conclusion

Posted: Mar 21, 2012

Excerpt: We went down to the beach this morning to find Cliff sunk into the ice. Warm winds and rain last night knocked him down from his perch. Here he is at a warm sunrise, I am sure the lake is quite chilly yet Sunrises don't get prettier than this O Officially in the lake on the earliest date yet... Read more

The Connections in Life

Posted: Mar 19, 2012

Excerpt: This blog entry is dedicated to John Thompson Jr. who was in the battle of his life this week with a brain aneurysm which he survived but is sitting in a hospital in Colorado recovering. John, may these pictures make your day in the hospital go a little faster and give you a reason to get out of bed... Read more

Cliff Hanging on

Posted: Mar 19, 2012

Excerpt: For now Cliff is hanging on but with temps in the mid 70's it may not be long til he takes the plung Ice receding fast from the edge. I took this picture at noon on Monday. Missing pic is the raft completely free of ice While blowing leaves we decided it was a great day to boil down... Read more

Home Again

Posted: Mar 17, 2012

Excerpt: We left the resort 6 days ago with snow on the ground and sap running in the trees, Troy was collecting from the maples at Eagles Nest before we headed out. Eagles's Nest maples flow the best out of any of the trees in the resort we have tapped so far. What is the difference I have no idea... Read more

Over the River and Through the woods with Cleo and Helga

Posted: Mar 15, 2012

Excerpt: Cleo and Helga have been having the time of their lives away from the resort for the week. What I would not have give to see the look on this life guards face when Cleo and Helga came down the slide together. I do know Troy got quit a chuckle our of it behind me as I took the... Read more

Cockapoo Sheild

Posted: Mar 14, 2012

Excerpt: Mack would like to report that all is well at the resort and he has found the perfect shield to put between him and Lucy the cockopoo. He is having issues dealing with the interloping Cockapoo who is as big of a chicken as he is, so this is how he is choosing to deal with her By the... Read more

Melting Away

Posted: Apr 20, 2014

Excerpt: Rain and warmer temps have taken a toll on the snow. Hard to believe we had 15 inches of snow just a few days ago. Melting away The hillside is clearing out but still a lot of ice out there I was not going out far but did put my feet on the ice and it is still holding... Read more

Who needs Florida when we have this?

Posted: Mar 12, 2012

Excerpt: From sunshine yesterday to fog and rain today. It is a murky day on Lower Kaubashine, but still pretty in its own way Not as foggy over in the bay Cliff leaning back and dreaming of being a beach bum in Florida. Florida according to our kids is the place that all the kids in the Lakeland area are... Read more

Cleo and Helga

Posted: Mar 14, 2012

Excerpt: Spring Break happened and Cliff could not go with us this year as it has been warming up and he had to stay at his post so Cleo and Helga Cliff's cousins decided to join us. Stay tuned for their adventures while Cliff stays on Lower Kaubashine. Helga and Cleo are quite a pair. I wonder what security will... Read more

Drip, Drip, Drip.. music to my ears

Posted: Mar 07, 2012

Excerpt: It hit 40 degrees to day and is freezing at night. There is a smell in the air that says spring and I had to go take a look at the maple trees. We tapped a couple of them a couple of weeks ago when it was warm in Mid February just because I did not want to think... Read more

Farewell Sig

Posted: Mar 07, 2012

Excerpt: I got the sad call today that Sig Oberman lost his battle with cancer this week. His wife Heidi lost her battle a little over a year ago and now the Oberman and Voight families sadly loosing another member of their family this week with Sig. They will still gather and enjoy their families Labor Day and Memorial Day... Read more

Trail Conditions

Posted: Mar 08, 2012

Excerpt: Ok talked to my gurus for both snowmobiling and x country skiing Skiing here is the report from Winter Park sounds good! Got the freeze we expected and a light dusting of snow. Trails held up well overall under the rain. There are pockets of debris blown off the trees on the interior and classic tracks are going to be... Read more

More fun in the snow

Posted: Mar 04, 2012

Excerpt: I heard a metal clinking coming from the direction of Muskie Inn and felt a blog entry coming on and had to check it out. I found the Haas crew gathered around the campfire by Muskie. But where was the metal clinking sound coming from? I found the guys playing a new game I had never seen. Throwing metal... Read more

Deer After our Storm

Posted: Mar 05, 2012

Excerpt: Enjoy! This video was taken in Boulder Junction last week after the storm. The deer have been easy to spot this week as they have been sticking close to roads to get through the snow that is throwing even them in how to get around... Read more

Dream Life

Posted: Mar 06, 2012

Excerpt: My friend Michelle Cozzens has completed her most recent book for anyone that has always wondered if running a resort is for them. Michelle sets it all out, the good the bad and the crazy and even has a few tales from Black's Cliff, namely the reason we are now building an office outside of our house that is... Read more

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