Farewell Sig

Posted: Mar 07, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
I got the sad call today that Sig Oberman lost his battle with cancer this week. His wife Heidi lost her battle a little over a year ago and now the Oberman and Voight families sadly loosing another member of their family this week with Sig. They will still gather and enjoy their families Labor Day and Memorial Day as Sig and Heidi would want them to, but it will sadly be with one less. Sig and Heidi taught their families what the word family is all about. Enjoying one another and the time that you have together. Their children and grandchildren including Ben above were lucky to have such great grandparents and will miss them both, but the lessons they taught will be passed down along with the joy of throughly enjoying life and their family. Farwell Sig... and Heidi we know you are together, we will just miss you being with us
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