Black's Cliff Blog

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

Posted: May 27, 2013

Excerpt: It has been a fun weekend at the resort. Lots of fish stories to tell, but this was the only one I caught on camera. Nice Walleye taken by the Klingle Family It was a great weekend to sit in the yard and watch the kids play ghost in the graveyard, tag and anything else they could come up... Read more

3 Day Weekend

Posted: May 24, 2013

Excerpt: 3 day weekends = lots of time like this And lots of time like this Love 3 day weekends!... Read more

Spring is Springing Out

Posted: May 21, 2013

Excerpt: It is a muggy damp spring morning at the resort and you can feel spring in the air. Things are popping out of all the gardens. The garden area at Birchwood has all sorts of things popping through the ground from ferns to wildflowers Lilies of the Valley are just starting to branch out and should be blooming soon... Read more

Blue Dock

Posted: May 16, 2013

Excerpt: It was a beautiful afternoon to finally get some docks in the water. This is the first time Troy and Steve have not had Craig around directing the action from the beach. They tried some new techniques to get it in, requiring only 2 lifters and one camera operator. The camera operator objects to leaky wadders and lifting heavy... Read more

Views From Red Pine

Posted: May 13, 2013

Excerpt: Stopped down at Red Pine to see what was going on and could not resist taking a seat for a minute to soak up some sun and the view off the dock The guys have been finishing up the new stairway at Red Pine. We are abandoning the old steep stairway for this new one which is much easier... Read more

Troy's Friend

Posted: Sep 30, 2016

Excerpt: Splitting wood at the wood shed with the splitter Troy has discovered a new friend. This Thrush hung out all day eating grubs from the wood Troy has breaking apart. The bird is as bad as Mack at begging. It is nagging him to split more It lost its fear of people and was definitely a fan of Troy... Read more

And the Winner of Ice Out 2013 Is.....

Posted: May 06, 2013

Excerpt: Kip Cikowski who guessed May 5th, but today was the day May 6th. The next closest guess was Charlie Cikowski, Kip's relative. Maybe Kip will take Charlie out to lunch with the winnings for the 2 of them to enjoy being one of the few braves souls to make guesses in May Time to pull Cliff out of the... Read more


Posted: Apr 30, 2014

Excerpt: The ducks returned this week to float among the iceburgs. It was a cold wet morning with rain coming down but they did not seem to mind. ... Read more

Ducks Returning

Posted: May 01, 2013

Excerpt: I walked down the steps this morning to find Cliff in a different position. He apparently was basking in the 80 degree sun yesterday and could not get back up Cliff either could not get back up or heard the weather forecast of 2 more inches of snow tomorrow and collapsed and gave up Open water by the beach... Read more

It's Back :(

Posted: May 03, 2013

Excerpt: After loving 70's and even 80 last week that stuff on the ground is back. Atleast we did not get 15 inches like western Wisconsin. It is still hard to look at in May. With temps going back to normal next week everything should melt away fast. For all my fishermen coming next weekend don't be to discouraged by... Read more

Warm Breezes

Posted: Jul 30, 2015

Excerpt: Warm breeze days on Lower Kaubashine The wind makes the warm weather perfect at the beach We have a lot of folks down enjoying the beach John Thompson has found his perfect spot on the pontoon to enjoy the wind and sun Noah got a little tired of the beach and headed to the game room to get his... Read more

Open Water!

Posted: Apr 30, 2013

Excerpt: A sight I was thinking we would never see. OPEN WATER! This pic was taken on the other side of the lake that goes out first. Very exciting. I am sure the ducks will appear today. I heard my first loon fly overhead yesterday. Not sure where the loon was headed to find enough water for it to land... Read more

Ice Retreat

Posted: Apr 29, 2013

Excerpt: What a difference a few days made. These pics were all taken Sunday afternoon at about 65 degrees. We took a couple of days to escape to the south to the Horicon Marsh. We returned to find big changes in the snow and ice conditions What everyone wants to know, how is the lake doing? Lots of melting occurred... Read more

Last Day of This

Posted: Apr 23, 2013

Excerpt: I hope this is the last time I report snow fall til next November. We got another inch of it... More pretty icicles to take pics of They got over a foot of snow just north of us, so we have something to be thankful for. It could have been worse I had to yell down at Cliff that... Read more

No More White

Posted: Apr 25, 2013

Excerpt: Instead of showing the dusting of snow that came down last night, I have chosen instead to show the change in color on the other side of the lake. Finally it is not looking stark white. Temps are rising to 60 and maybe GASP 70 next week. That will move the ice along very fast. We are looking at... Read more

Cliff Gets Visitors

Posted: Apr 20, 2013

Excerpt: It has been slowly dripping today. It almost seems like it might be spring, but we have been tricked into believing that before Cliff had some visitors today Kathy and Randy stopping into to take pictures of Cliff for their grand daughter I think Cliff was headed into hibernation and was happy for the visit Cliff's comment to Randy... Read more

Is There Still Snow?

Posted: Apr 18, 2013

Excerpt: Is there snow in the Northwoods? Is the pope catholic? Of course we have another storm predicted for the end of the week just to keep us on our toes How is Cliff doing at his post? The lake is solidly white and it is a long haul ahead Cliff looking a little dejected with the weather report. I... Read more

Time for Spring

Posted: Apr 19, 2013

Excerpt: Eagles Nest in the snow 4th coldest April on record. Yep, I would believe it. We got an additional 2 inches of snow last night. Maple Trees have again shut down. One sign of spring was the raccoon's in the bird feeder last night. They have had a rude awakening. Talking with many resort owners worried about opening on... Read more

That Stuff Outside

Posted: Apr 12, 2013

Excerpt: As I type, I can hear the shovel scraping as Troy shovels the front walk yet again. We did not get 11 inches of snow, but about 3. 3..... 11 in April is there really a difference? All this snow has continued to keep the guys inside. My office is getting puttied and varnished. Steve has been on a... Read more

Weekend Snow

Posted: Apr 15, 2013

Excerpt: I took this picture Saturday afternoon when we received the first 3 inches of snow. This is my trail to some of our maple taps across the road. Saturday amongst the snow a few of the trees were still flowing, just enough to keep us cooking. When the real storm showed up on Sunday afternoon they all shut down... Read more

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