Blue Dock

Posted: May 16, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
It was a beautiful afternoon to finally get some docks in the water. This is the first time Troy and Steve have not had Craig around directing the action from the beach. They tried some new techniques to get it in, requiring only 2 lifters and one camera operator. The camera operator objects to leaky wadders and lifting heavy pallets on docks, or better yet walking across metal poles above cold water Troy and I can do this no problem... and guess who got first choice on wadders as usual? Not Troy Steve: What are the bets we can get her to set that camera down and get in the water Troy: A snowball in hell stands a better chance My end is straight.... hey is there a leak in these wadders.... Stoney silence from the other side of the pier and a chuckle is all that is heard Now here is the most important part that I had to stand in for Craig in Arizona. Minus a beer can in my hand I had to judge if the pier was straight. It was a tough job but all was accomplished The blue dock was successfully launched. Tomorrow time for the white dock. Craig in Arizona is very worried about his masterpiece being put in with out him. All I heard was.. everything is fine til we get to the corner, that darn corner throws us everytime. Entertaining pictures coming tomorrow Only at a resort do you return home from school to move a resorts entire summer supply of toilet paper off the truck and into storage. There was much grumbling to be heard
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