Black's Cliff Birch Bark Blog

Welcome to the Black's Cliff Resort Blog! Here, we share stories from our lakeside retreat, highlight seasonal events, and offer glimpses into the serene life of Northern Wisconsin's Northwoods. Whether you're planning your next getaway or reminiscing about past visits, our blog provides a window into the experiences that make our resort a cherished destination.

Who was afraid of the ice?

Posted: Jan 12, 2011

Excerpt: It was snowing out on the lake today. Who is this dog that goes running out on the lake with no qualms Light snow coming down I have no idea what you are talking about that I had issues going out on the ice. Quit trying to ruin my tough guy reputation with the ladies. I am nordic dog... Read more

Grandpa Ott

Posted: Jan 11, 2011

Excerpt: I had this picture sent to me by Mike Forer of his Great Grandpa, Grandpa Ott on the beach steps with his daughters Flo Tomensky (Mike Forer's grandma), Carol Frisch and Rae Hogaboam in 1983. My memory of Grandap Ott was that he crowed like a chicken each morning at sunrise and gave out lollipops on the perch every... Read more

My mistake

Posted: Jan 10, 2011

Excerpt: Apparently I was sipping to much egg nog when writing out all the confirmation letters before New Years. I put the rate of 1080/week for all the 2bdr reservations. If you look at the rate sheet it is actually 1070/week. My mistake. Lesson learned, next year do not drink Steve's egg nog while writing out the letters.... Read more

Let the Wood Splitting Begin!

Posted: Jan 09, 2011

Excerpt: Ted and Mark arrived from Virginia for their annual week of woodsplitting in January. There is just something about spending time together up Nort, that makes these 2 fly half way across the country to help us fill the shed up for summer Troy trying to keep up with them piling. Packer play off game this afternoon will bring... Read more

Skiing, Rocking Chairs and Wood

Posted: Jan 07, 2011

Excerpt: The Kryzanowski crew heading out skiing. They are reporting that skiing at Winter Park has been surprisingly good a few rough spots here and there but other than that very enjoyable. "The Guys" in Birchwood also returned for their weekend ski. Kevin last year took a bit of a tumble into everyone's favorite rocker. Happily thanks to a furniture... Read more

Great Rates and Free Skiing

Posted: Jan 06, 2011

Excerpt: Free skiing at Winter Park check out below. If you are sitting at home this weekend wondering what to do, head on up north. We lower our rates to mid week rates all wekend and free skiing at Winter Park! What more could you ask for. I have Wildflower and Restawhile open at 115/night and Wigwam and Norway starting at... Read more

Light Snow Coming Down

Posted: Jan 05, 2011

Excerpt: Light snow was coming down all day. It is nice to get the crusty ice snow covered up with fresh snow One of the biggest winter jobs cutting up wood for Ted and Mark to split next week. The woodshed has emptied out about 1/2 way and it is time to fill it. Ted and Mark fly in from... Read more

Letters and Leather who gets them?

Posted: Jan 04, 2011

Excerpt: Everyone will be happy to know all the summer confirmation letters made it in the mail on Monday.. Good to think of summer but also I am afraid deposits are due January 20th, you can blame property taxes being due January 31st on the due date. Letters are still done the old fashioned way, rollodex, paper, folding and addressing... Read more

Happy New Year

Posted: Jan 01, 2011

Excerpt: Steve took this picture at New Years of fight super moon through the trees Happy New Year! Around the resort we had Troy's ice candles burning creating a small amount of warmth in the cold temps We spent the weekend getting 200 spring, summer and fall confirmation letters ready to send out. They are headed out in Tuesdays mail... Read more

Calm Before The Storm

Posted: Dec 30, 2010

Excerpt: Its the calm before the storm. The last time to wear shoes outside in the leaves. There is snow storm after snow storm predicted in the next week and I have lost track of how many inches. I just know I will have to put this shoes away tomorrow morning and break out the snow boots to help with... Read more

Snow Report

Posted: Dec 30, 2010

Excerpt: Pine Siskins at our feeder at noon enjoying a snack Later in the day around 4pm Thursday I took this picture of the Bearskin Trail definitely showing the wear and tear and rain damage. Snowmobile rentals were not letting their snowmobiles out today. I saw sleds out on the trail and lakes but not recommended. Talked to skiers today... Read more

Cancelation for New Years

Posted: Dec 29, 2010

Excerpt: We just recieved a cancelation on Shamrock for New Years. I will rent it out to smaller groups for 2bdr rate. Give a call if you are interested... Read more

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