Snow Report

Posted: Dec 30, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4763 Pine Siskins at our feeder at noon enjoying a snack IMG_4766 Later in the day around 4pm Thursday I took this picture of the Bearskin Trail definitely showing the wear and tear and rain damage. Snowmobile rentals were not letting their snowmobiles out today. I saw sleds out on the trail and lakes but not recommended. Talked to skiers today who did ok at Winter Park but said it was getting slushy and icy by the end of the day. Not sure how it will be tomorrow. I gave out info to skiers about going up to see The Black River Falls, water falls which should be awesome tomorrow. Good hike in and beautiful water falls might be the place to be. Temps dropping on Friday night and wrap around snow is what we are holding out hope for IMG_4767 Ice fishermen on Lower Kaubashine at twilight in the slush IMG_4768 Still snow around the resort but it has taken a beating
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