Black's Cliff Birch Bark Blog
Welcome to the Black's Cliff Resort Blog! Here, we share stories from our lakeside retreat, highlight seasonal events, and offer glimpses into the serene life of Northern Wisconsin's Northwoods. Whether you're planning your next getaway or reminiscing about past visits, our blog provides a window into the experiences that make our resort a cherished destination.
Snowshoeing Adventure
Posted: Dec 30, 2013Excerpt: Time to go snowshoeing. We figured if we were sending so many folks down the trail we had better get out and snowshoe it ourselves, so down the trail we went You find our very quickly that having snowshoes with grippers on is a good thing coming down a hill Down the trail we go with a golden retriever... Read more
Fun in the Snow
Posted: Dec 28, 2013
Excerpt: The snow has been falling and the cold has been blowing. We have had a couple of day reprieve from the cold temps for folks to get outside and play in the snow and ice Snowshoes have been the name of the game this week with many folks going out to enjoy our blue trail through the woods Snowshoeing... Read more
Putting the Heart in Christmas
Posted: Dec 26, 2013Excerpt: It was a merry Christmas at the Cliff. Who is under this hat you ask..... in an ugly Christmas sweater..... that will remain a secret Christmas brings out the best in people and our rink had a heart in it carved out of the fresh Christmas snow They would not completely admit it but I believe this is our... Read more
Blowing Snow
Posted: Dec 19, 2013Excerpt: Sometimes you feel like the only one on the lae with a whole lot of snow..... Trying out the leaf blower again on the ice rink. The conclusion to this experiment is that for light snow it works fine but if there is any weight to it, it is not worth it. The old shovel method is the best... Read more
Snow, Ice and Cookies
Posted: Dec 17, 2013Excerpt: How much snow is on the ground? I think the top of the bird bath is a good measure. It is piling up The ice from the storm a couple of weeks ago is still on the trees with new snow on top. Until we have a good melt the trees will be loaded down. The trails in the... Read more
2014 Calendars Are Ready To Be Ordered
Posted: Dec 10, 2013
Excerpt: The Black's Cliff 2014 calendar is finally ready to be ordered. Sorry about the wait. I have it done through Walgreens as usual. I can invite you to see it and you can order it and have it made up at your local Walgreens or delivered in the mail. Through Thursday the calendars are 40% off at Walgreens. I... Read more
Deep Freeze
Posted: Dec 09, 2013Excerpt: Cold December morning but warmer than it has been Wandering down to the lake after days in the house by the woodstove There have been tracks on the lake so time to take the first few steps out on the lake. Checking out the ice, it is pretty rough. We will start getting a rink ready for Christmas. This... Read more
Storm and Cold
Posted: Dec 06, 2013Excerpt: We had a 3 day storm roll through which everyone in the Midwest dealt with. For us it started out as snow, switched to ice and rain and back to snow. The ice came down on the heavy wet snow and weighed down the trees snapping off some limbs. The pines in the front yard took the biggest hit... Read more
Heavy Wet Snow
Posted: Dec 04, 2013Excerpt: Mack and I took a selfie out shoveling the snow as freezing rain came down. It is cold out side. Troy is off for a couple of days visiting his parents and left the shovel. Little did we know when he left how much snow was going to come down with freezing rain. Mach was loving being in the... Read more
Time for the Plow
Posted: Dec 03, 2013Excerpt: We had quit the blanket of snow come down last night and more expected the next 2 days. My little car struggled to get Grant to school today and had to be pushed out on to Hwy 51 by Moto Mart. It is time to put the plow on the truck. As you can see in the foreground the... Read more
Cyber Monday at the Cliff
Posted: Dec 02, 2013Excerpt: It is Monday morning and time to go back to work even though most of us feel like this boat The lake is frozen over I have seen folks out walking around on it but I prefer to wait and burn a few logs on the fire. Since it is cyber Monday I thought I would post the remaining... Read more
Deer Camp 2013
Posted: Nov 25, 2013Excerpt: Deer Camp 2013 arrived at the resort. We have several groups of hunters over the week that hunt our 100 acres of hunting land along the road. There was a lot of snow and cold to welcome the hunters and deer tracks but opening weekend skunked them, but lots of fun was had by all Lots of fun was... Read more