Black's Cliff Blog

Feeling a bit like Christmas

Posted: Dec 20, 2011

Excerpt: Santa says to all those Bam Hum Buggers out there relax and enjoy Christmas. Leave the lights on in your house for the relatives and the food on the table, grab the gifts and the relatives you would really like to spend time with and run to the woods, there are 4 cabins left for Christmas that start at... Read more

White Stuff

Posted: Nov 09, 2018

Excerpt: We received about 3 inches of snow over the weekend with a little here and there in the forecast. We are happy to be looking more like winter. Winter Park has rolled and packed their trails. They do amazing work with the snow they have This weekend Steve did Winter Park's fundraising skate race around Lake Minocqua. They plowed... Read more

Flakes, flakes and more flakes

Posted: Dec 15, 2011

Excerpt: What are the conditions up here with the snow..... well I guess it could be worse... There is some on the ground still after it rained yesterday, and fresh flurries are coming down this morning. I feel like Mother Nature is teasing us, giving us enough snow to look white but not enough to play in. The flakes were... Read more

Ice Skating Paradise

Posted: Dec 11, 2011

Excerpt: I finally decided it was time to test the ice out. We wait for this day every year where the ice is just thick enough to skate on and there is no snow. I have spent more money than I would like to admit for these awesome skates that I pull out whenever a day like this happens and... Read more

Not Talking About the Weather

Posted: Dec 13, 2011

Excerpt: The weather today, yesterday and tomorrow I am not talking about. It has put me in a foul pre holiday mood. The words El Nino are not to be spoken around this house. The results of the weather are scene above. The silver lining is that it is still thick enough and when it freezes up the top again... Read more

Chicken Little vs Icy Lake

Posted: Dec 09, 2011

Excerpt: The lake is as cold as you think it looks and ice is being made Makes me want to put my skates on and go for a run around the lake but my ice paranoia will have me holding off a few more days, but I am sure it is probably safe Just to test things out I put... Read more

Snowy Owl Migration

Posted: Dec 11, 2011

Excerpt: Interesting article about Snowy Owls and how they are moving into Wisconsin due to shortage of Lemmings in the Arctic . Something to keep an eye out for... Read more

One Good Old Dog

Posted: Dec 08, 2011

Excerpt: Glancing back in my picture files I ran into this series of pics that cracked me up. A crab caught old Poe's attention down at the beach. And since it is just plain cold today and nothing to interesting going on I thought I would put this flash back up again. I lost old Poe 2 years ago and... Read more

The Northern Way

Posted: Dec 04, 2011

Excerpt: I stopped in this week to the newest and coolest restaurant in town, The Northern Way. It is on Front Street between Whoops and Loonland. There used to be a gourmet food store in the building and it finally has a new store open. They do breakfast and lunch and also Coffee Hours of operation as of right now... Read more

Dare you to step under that tree

Posted: Dec 05, 2011

Excerpt: With brand new snow in the woods, and the first weekend in December it ment one thing, time to make Christmas wreathes. A smart person thinking ahead would have cut and collected their boughs when there was no snow on the trees... instead we picked just after this beautiful snow fall to go get our boughs, because it is... Read more

Looking for Elves for Hire

Posted: Dec 02, 2011

Excerpt: This was sunrise this morning. It was cold and we are thinking very soon will be the time to turn the furnace on in our house at night. Our woodstove up to this time has managed to warm the house up during the day and keep it warm enough at night but I have heard the term "Artic Air"... Read more

Frozen Over

Posted: Dec 27, 2016

Excerpt: We did get some rain Christmas weekend but not as much as to the south. Our snow pack is holding up and now it is cold again Rain was a good thing for the ice rink. It is in good shape just needs to be brushed off Even Mack was out on the lake and when he is you... Read more

Ice to Snow

Posted: Dec 01, 2011

Excerpt: What a difference a day makes. An inch or two of snow came down last night changing the icy lake Same view I took yesterday I took chicken little down to the lake with me. Yesterday he would not even go down the steps. Today he did and had strange looks at what happened to his swimming hole. I... Read more

Ice in the Bay

Posted: Nov 13, 2012

Excerpt: I knew with temps as low as they have been ice would not be far behind and this morning it was spotted The rest of the bay is wide open, but I am guessing we will see more ice in the near future Office will hopefully be partially opening for use Christmas week There continues to be gopher trails... Read more

CONTEST! What is Steve up to?

Posted: Nov 27, 2011

Excerpt: Steve had a gleam in his eye and came to find me to take pictures of his latest creation. He was so proud it involved recycled materials everything from a tamarac log (that is one heavy dense piece of wood) to lumber left over from the Keith generation over 70 years ago Nothing like using the back of the... Read more

Balls, Balls and more balls

Posted: Nov 27, 2011

Excerpt: I had to show how my Christmas Balls have come out since I had a few new ones hanging around the house. Most of mine are down at Kim's Cozy Cabin in Hazelhurst for sale but I have finished a few more at home and I promised to post them. So this is our mantle in the house at... Read more

2012 calendars 30% off

Posted: Nov 21, 2011

Excerpt: Another of 2012 calendar pictures. Walgreens has the calendars this week til Saturday at 30% off 19.99 which brings them down to 14.oo and no shipping and handling if they can be made at your local Walgreens store. Give a call if you want me to order some... Read more

Customizing Calendars

Posted: Nov 21, 2011

Excerpt: At some point it takes awhile for a good idea to come to you and then you wonder why in the world did I not think of this earlier. I had a few families calling to see if they had pictures of their family in the 2012 calendar. While I attempt to include as many as I can, sometimes... Read more

Happy Thanksgiving From the Cliff

Posted: Nov 25, 2011

Excerpt: Thanksgiving at the Cliff. The Evans guys devoured a 16 lb turkey just the 4 of them. All I saw in the middle was a carcass. This was an impressive feat Next door the Weiss family was enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving having had their turkey on Wednesday, so Thanksgiving I had to track them down because they were all... Read more

Signs of Winter

Posted: Jan 10, 2016

Excerpt: It is darn cold out this morning. Frozen water drops on the pine trees I looked out off the hill to see ice fishermen in the middle of the lake. A very good sign that the lake is getting safer I am a firm proponent of following other peoples tracks on the lake. I do not blaze my own... Read more

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