Customizing Calendars

Posted: Nov 21, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
At some point it takes awhile for a good idea to come to you and then you wonder why in the world did I not think of this earlier. I had a few families calling to see if they had pictures of their family in the 2012 calendar. While I attempt to include as many as I can, sometimes there is just not room especially in the big featured pictures for each month.. So why not change a couple of pictures for the month the family comes to feature that family for their calendar. Wa La, I am now doing customized calendars. The Michael family got a shot of all the babies born this year in the featured picture for July plus a picture bonus picture that I will not reveal, but Jordan and Tim will enjoy it So if you have a shot you want included or just want me to use a shot I took while you were here, I will insert it in your specific calendar when I order it. Takes no time at all, just give a call. Sorry to those that already ordered and this idea had not occurred to me. I have one more coupon for 30% off for this week, before I have to call their customer service line and ask them to recharge my coupon uses at Walgreens. You are only allowed to use each coupon 5 times, but I usually can talk a manager into reloading my uses. Who knows what next weeks coupon will be maybe more than 30 percent or maybe it will be down to a measly 20%
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