Black's Cliff Blog

Da Bass Boys of Summer

Posted: Jul 01, 2018

Excerpt: Da Bass Boys of summer where hauling in the bass. The Snodgrass fellas where dialed in to the bass Eric having fun So much fun he wore out his thumb Joe learning from Rich and Eric how to find the bass on Lower Kaubashine Rich's smile cleaning fish says it all Now Graham who is 5 has some growing... Read more

Doing Nothing Which Means Something

Posted: Jun 25, 2018

Excerpt: One of our largest crews of the summer arrived on Saturday for the first wave. Many more to come and go over the next 2 weeks First night out was at Otto's Beer Garden to celebrate their 50 week count down to vacation. Many toasts and smiles around the table as everyone toasted being together If you have a... Read more

A Few Things Going On

Posted: Jun 27, 2018

Excerpt: There have been quiet moments at the lake in the last week. This sunrise picture was shared with me by Stacy (Borger) Keleyweg. She was out in the Kayak with her dog Toby at sunrise. Toby is still sleeping but Stacy was awake. Thanks for sharing Stacy! Tom and Murry Hixson where surprised by one or two of their... Read more

Kramp Family Fun

Posted: Jun 22, 2018

Excerpt: The Kramp family enjoyed their first summer at the resort and have had a great time fishing with the family They shared with me some of their catches I believe they said his was a 22 inch bass. They released it back into the lake Awesome bluegill Some fish where a little furry Thanks to the Kramps for sharing... Read more

Summer Starts

Posted: Jun 10, 2018

Excerpt: Kids and Summer are here. You can hear the fun being had from the top of the hill I was happy to see some of our first young kids enjoying jumping off the diving board. Lots of new fun being had at the raft Some though who do not like to swim (he is a golden retriever bred to... Read more

Horse Racing

Posted: Jun 13, 2018

Excerpt: We had our first horse racing afternoon in the community room. We brought out our Northwoods Derby and packages of pennies for folks to buy and the races began. Everyone had fun we even got some adults playing once they saw through the kids how it all worked. There was penny swapping and moaning as pennies where lost to... Read more

Amazing Sunset

Posted: Jun 16, 2018

Excerpt: Enjoy these great sunset pics tonight after a rain storm ... Read more


Posted: Jun 01, 2018

Excerpt: It has been a beautiful week since the rain came. The hillside greening up Steve and his buddy Darby have started a new project. They are replacing all the rails down to the beach They spent time this winter and spring gathering 32 rails and skinning them Steve is pulling out the big posts as well. They had been... Read more

Congrats to Grant

Posted: Jun 06, 2018

Excerpt: We had a big week in our family as Grant our youngest graduated from high school this week. He is off to Saint Norbert with his brother, Ben this fall who will be a Junior. Jacob has just accepted his first teaching job in Green Bay for next fall at Prebble High School teaching science and his wife Michelle... Read more

We Are Ready For Summer

Posted: May 26, 2018

Excerpt: We have been scurrying all week and the place is finally ready for summer. The chairs are just waiting to be filled Steve and Troy were busy getting the diving board back on the raft. We gave it new wood and it needed a little finishing touch to fit on the platform The platform got a good scraping and... Read more

Big Day

Posted: May 15, 2018

Excerpt: You can't tell from Mack but it was an exciting day at the resort. Mack was much happier at the lake fishing for bluegills than hanging up top with all the noise from machines. Relax Mack it will all be over soon We were sadly loosing a bunch of old pines that were mature. Every storm that goes through... Read more

Lake Front Getting Ready For Summer

Posted: May 23, 2018

Excerpt: First of all anyone interested in the diving platform update. The three of us spent an hour scraping and getting the old paint off the metal frame. This frame was hand made back in the 50's and steal was bent in place Fresh coat of paint and looks shinny and new and not 65+ years old On to other... Read more

Lets Go Diving

Posted: May 19, 2018

Excerpt: We have had some beautiful warm weather the last week. The lake is warming up First of all the most exciting news, we got approval from our insurance company to put our diving platform back on the raft. This platform was built by Maynard back in the 50's and was loved into the early 90's by everyone on the... Read more

Ice Out 2018

Posted: May 07, 2018

Excerpt: We had ice out this weekend! Saturday the 5th was officially ice out on Lower Kaubashine I caught this muskrat making a home under the raft. The raft will be heading out to its usual spot soon and the muskrat will have to find a new home We did get some work done.... but it was so nice it... Read more

Rainbows and Chairs

Posted: May 10, 2018

Excerpt: This picture was shared with me a couple of years ago by Stacy Borger. It just seems like a good spring picture for today. Great shot Stacy! We have a few chairs at our beach that are 70 years old or so. I have pictures of these chairs at the beach in the early 50's and I am not... Read more

Melting and Clean up

Posted: May 02, 2018

Excerpt: The lake is getting closer and closer to going out. I am not sure if it will make it completely by this weekend but it will be close There are ducks out in the mist in this picture but hard to see. The first ones to return for the spring We have been busy getting started on spring clean... Read more

Fog on Ice

Posted: May 04, 2018

Excerpt: Grab your coffee and enjoy some pics of the melting ice on Lower Kaubashine Complete ice out is not far away Busy spring clean up is in full swing. The guys have started to drop all the wood they cut this winter around the resort as they clean up We have had a lone turkey stopping by each night... Read more


Posted: Apr 26, 2018

Excerpt: We are slowly melting the lake. It is nice to see some open water for a change. We still have a ways to go but warm temps are in the forecast In the meantime while we wait for the snow to melt we have started painting. The ski shack at the lake got a fresh coat Mack was soaking... Read more

Lake of the Falls Adventure

Posted: Apr 30, 2018

Excerpt: Troy and I took off Sunday afternoon on a short car adventure to see some water falls with the spring melt. We left at 11 am so did not want to do an hour plus trip up to Hurley and Ironwood area. Instead we picked two water falls in the Mercer area 40 minutes from the resort. We stopped... Read more

Spring Melt

Posted: Apr 22, 2018

Excerpt: The snow is finally melting the last few days. We had a lot to melt so we still have a substantial amount on the ground. Enough to stop any ideas of spring clean up around the resort. Here is the walk way to the beach Here was our wood pile a week ago Here it is this morning Heading... Read more

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