Ice Out 2018

Posted: May 07, 2018
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5500 (1) We had ice out this weekend! Saturday the 5th was officially ice out on Lower Kaubashine IMG_5499 (1) I caught this muskrat making a home under the raft. The raft will be heading out to its usual spot soon and the muskrat will have to find a new home C1F6D63E-B629-4409-9BED-8C223FB4466C We did get some work done.... but it was so nice it was time to enjoy the Northwoods too. IMG_5505 We had newly tuned up bikes and ready to fly down the Bearskin. We decided to take a part of the trail we don't go down very often. We drove to South Blue Lake road and got on the trail there. Our destination was the observatory deck on the south end of the trail IMG_5506 Some of the sites along the way were a couple of trestles IMG_5507 Turtle out enjoying the sun at Scott Spring IMG_5508 Scott Spring IMG_5509 1888 train shack along the trail. I happen to know there is a geocache inside the building somewhere IMG_5510 Bearskin Creek Trestle IMG_5511 We hit our goal of the observation deck 3.7 miles from our car at South Blue Lake according to google IMG_5512 Water was high going down the creek IMG_5513 (1) Incredible view at the end of the deck IMG_5518 Back at Lower Kaubashine and time to get back to work. Enjoying seeing open water after 6 months of ice an snow Lots of cabins open for Mothers Day Weekend, give mom a treat and come on up the lake is open and fishing is on!
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