Zip Line

Posted: Jun 12, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4637 We took time away from the resort to experience the newest best thing in Minocqua the ZipLine. I did a high ropes course 25 years ago at camp Saint Croxi in Hudson Wisconsin. I always was interested in doing it again. I am not a lover of heights and hate going on the roof of cabins so I was a little worried but remembered how fun the other course was I did. The tour is 2 1/2 hours long over 8 and soon to be 9 zip lines and numerous bridges. Views are amazing and sailing over the lake at the end is even better. They start you out with training and over short and not so high zips. By the time you make it to the Flying Eagle it is old hat and you enjoy every moment sailing over the lake IMG_4636 Here is the course IMG_4638 The dueling 2 at a time zip is not quite done but will be at the end of the month. You can race a friend on duel lines IMG_4639 Each zip goes with 2 knowledgeable and safe guides. We had Phil and Guy. We could not have been in better hands IMG_4640 Everyone with harnesses on and ready to go. Besides me and my experience 25 years ago, nobody had been through a zip line or any experience with the equipment. We need not have worried. Josh and Guy were great at teaching us what to do IMG_4641 They start you out one a low rope and go though how to brake and hand signals IMG_4642 Remember to brake! IMG_4643 Jake giving it a whirl IMG_4644 This si what I liked everything went in stages, you start low and are comfortable the whole time as you learn what to do. There are no huge drops. My stomach was never in a nervous knot. You could not pay me a million dollars to bunge jump but this I would do again in a heart beat IMG_4646 After learning on the ground it was off to the bigger zips. They truck you up to the zip line IMG_4647 There are some trails to walk. Some of the lines you get to walk to. Here is the start IMG_4648 Grant the dare devil headed off first down the line IMG_4649 No problem, no major drops. The first one is probably mentally the hardest but once you do it you realize how easy and enjoyable it is IMG_4650 Landing pad below. You learn how to slow down coming into the landing pad. They allow 8 year olds and up, weight requirement is 75 - 275. The course is going to be open year round. I can imagine how beautiful it will be in the fall. They told me they have had 70 year olds do it already and someone in the 80's is coming next week IMG_4651 Jake headed down the line IMG_4652 Troy coming in for a landing IMG_4653 One of the many amazing bridges they have made up to our next zip IMG_4655 This zip was amazing coming down through the trees and over a ridge IMG_4657 One of the bridges we missed. The wind came up and that is one thing that will close down the zip line. If the winds are in excess of 30 mph they shut down the course. We skipped the middle 3 zips and went to the longest one over a lake IMG_4660 My camera ran out of battery. We got a video package from them and I will share the video going over the lake. If you google Minocqua Zip Line they have more pictures on their site which are better than mine. Hands down the best money you will spend. I know it is pricey at 95/person but the quality and views on this course are worth it. A lot of thought went into the placement of the zips and the views. For 2 1/2 hours of time in the trees well worth the experience of a life time. They do recommend you call ahead for reservations, but will take folks off the street if room. As we left Jake took a job application. What better summer job could you have but flying through the trees on a zip line over a lake Kudos to all involved who brought this to the Northwoods
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