Wow that is a lot of White Stuff

Posted: Feb 29, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Wow is all I can say as to how much snow we got. This is a plastic snow flake that hangs by my front door. It is totally encrusted with snow. I stepped out my front door and the snow came all the way up our door stop Front of our hose buried in snow. We have 2 cabins coming today.. one is Muskie Inn.. wait til you see the picture of Muskie Inn. The other is Holiday and I could not even make it down the driveway that far to see what Holiday looked like. Steve has our plow truck that he took home last night to plow out his driveway this morning. Nobody is coming in our driveway til Steve gets here. I can't wait to see the truck make it through this snow.. It is thick, heavy and drifted in places up to my knees. Oh and did I mention I always get a cup of coffee at the gas station, French Vanilla and no coffee til later today.. it could get ugly... I particularly like the drift on top of Birchwood. But the best is Muskie Inn Looking back at my buried car. The snow at this point is half way up my calves. This is the biggest snow I have seen in a couple of years and it is still coming down Muskie Inn. The Haas crew thinks they are arriving by noon in their Jeep... Yeah Right we shall see, I will believe it when I see it. The Cikowski Crew is coming for icefishing too in Holiday but I am not going that far until the plow truck gets here The front door to Muskie under the snow somewhere Mack demonstrating how deep the snow is in the driveway. The truck has its work cut for it today! Craig is sitting in Arizona drooling over the fun it would be to plow through this snow View down the driveway by Bayview. At this point the snow is knee deep and the sweat from the effort of getting this far is starting. Time to wait for the truck I think he thought he was stuck in the snow Bayview snowed in Time to go get a shovel and start cleaning up for these crazy folks that think they will be here by noon. Any bets on this?
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