Working the Wood Crib

Posted: Jan 09, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Temps in the mid 30's for a couple of days and the guys have abandoned helping me clean cabins for the woodshed. Steve has turned in his bathroom cleaning bucket for a chainsaw and looks much happier. Nothing like working in the woodshed with temps in the 30's and not huge piles of snow. The snow is doing ok through the warm up so far and has more snow headed our way on Wednesday/Thursday. Reports from the skiers this weekend were all positive on the Winter Park conditions for striding and skating Before getting into the big pile of wood it was time to clean up the kindling wood that Steve picked up earlier in the year. We now have enough kindling for a very long time! All set up in his new handy dandy high tech wood crib. This wood crib has cut down on the time to do this job tremendously. Troy used to run all these boards through a chop saw one at a time doing cuts. Steve is now through the pile in about 10 minutes Steam rolling off the saw Troy crazy enough to get close to Steve and the chain saw. he was pulling pieces out as they were cut Engine heating up Into the final cuts and you can see how well this contraption works The final cut through the middle Now looking for some piling volunteers who are at school. Good after school project. Next step at the wood shed, trying out the wood crib on the smaller popple logs we had delivered last fall. Will it be worth it to fill the crib with the logs or is the old method of cutting individually best. We shall see
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