Woods Adventure to find Bugs

Posted: May 16, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1680 The Stobb family up enjoying a beautiful weekend in The Northwoods. They went Geo Caching in Boulder Junction all day Saturday hitting 18 great caches, dropping 4 registered travel bugs and picking up 2 new ones they are holding in the picture. They also picked up a few ticks but that is all in a day of Geo Caching in the woods, it would not be the same without at least one tick check. IMG_1681 2 Geo Bugs they picked up. The lamb is traveling to Tennessee and they will be heading to Indiana next week to move this lamb on its way home. The coin had traveled all the way from Oregon trying to hit as many caches as possible. Wondering what in the world I am talking about check out www.geocaching.com for your own family adventure amongst travel bugs, caches, ticks and out of the way places. I gave Kevin a hard time for going to Boulder Junction and not hitting my 20 caches around Minocqua. He wisely hit one of our caches at Lake Katherine that I had just replaced after a skunk spent its winter living in the hole the cache was in and chewed the box to pieces The link below is to a Youtube video of the 9 bear cubs at the Northwooods Wildlife hospital which have just been moved to the larger outdoor enclosure where they will be raised til October when they are released http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMHx7-VuHIA
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