Wood Chopping, Sock Making and Settling America

Posted: Feb 02, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0397 Warm temps got the guys out cutting wood. It was in the upper 20's and lower 30's which is perfect wood cutting weather IMG_0399 They got started on next summer's wood. the wood supply is slowly building back up on the left side of the shed IMG_0398 The right side of the shed has been slowly depleted. There seems to be a wood squirrel that has attacked the piles from the middle.... Anyone who burns wood for heat can look at these piles and know what happened. Steve was saying nothing.... IMG_0424 Troy also completed a project for me. When I bought my 2nd sock machine it did not come with a 2nd stand. I left the old 20's stand with the new machine and needed a 2nd stand for my old machine. We confiscated an old kitchen stool and made some modifications IMG_0425 Here is the 1914 sock machine on its new stand. IMG_0426 The old machine will be in semi retirement coming out for demos at shows and will be in the office so folks can see what makes the socks and gloves that are for sale. The only real difference between the 2 machines is 100 years of wear and the size of the crank handle. The crank on my new red machine is twice as big, thus my arms does not have to go around as many times IMG_0435 Our new recommended game, Settlers of America. It is a version of Settlers of Catan. Kept 2 teenagers and 2 parents entertained this weekend. It is at Imaginuity toy store in downtown Minocqua.
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